Sino-Russian Relations and their Impact on Countries in Between Introduction to the Special Forum A lot has happened in Sino-Russian relations in 2014-2015, but some observers still are pondering whether this is a serious, alliance-like relationship with far-reaching impact on the Asia-Pacific region or something more ephemeral, subject to clashing regional interests that could turn the two against each other. Just two years ago a Special Forum assessed Sino-Russian relations in triangular co.. Editorial Staff
December 23,2015 Sino-Russian Relations and the Failure of Russo-Japanese Relations As Sino-Russian relations drew closer after Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, Russo-Japanese relations also seemed to be poised for an upward trajectory. Given the troubled state of Sino-Japanese relations over this period and the far-reaching impact of the Ukraine crisis from March 2014, the upbeat mood of Russo-Japanese relations or, more specifically, the “Vladimir-Shinzo”.. Stephen Blank Kuril Island dispute , National security , PLAN , Sino-Russian arms trade
December 23,2015 North Korea’s Place in Sino-Russian Relations and Identities Sino-Russian relations and the attitudes of each toward the Korean Peninsula have drawn close scrutiny of late, including recent writings by me.1 The Asan Forum has carried relevant articles.2 On China’s attitudes toward reunification, Bonnie Glaser and Yun Sun and Cheng Xiaohe have written in detail.3 Yet, as we take a fresh look at Sino-Russian relations in triangular context, the theme of .. Gilbert Rozman 3 vs. 3 regionalism , 5 vs. 1 , National security , Six-Party Talks
December 23,2015 Mongolia Hangs in the Balance: Political Choices and Economic Realities Year 2015 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mongolia’s democratic revolution. Ever since it escaped the protective embrace of its northern neighbor, Mongolia maintained an astute foreign policy, pursuing positive dialogues with China and Russia and also reaching out to its so-called collective “third neighbor,” usually understood to be Western countries plus Japan. The election of ost.. Sergey Radchenko Economic Relations , Good Neighbor policy , Khalkin Gol Battle of 1939 , Neutrality , Regionalism , third neighbor policy
December 23,2015 Russia, China, and Central Asia: Time for Decision When the Soviet Union disintegrated, one might have expected Central Asia to become a natural region of rivalry between Moscow, which could no longer exercise formal political control over the region, and Beijing, whose rising power was no longer contained by a sealed Soviet border reinforced by powerful armed forces. But China and Russia have thus far cooperated considerably more than they have .. Richard Weitz Arab Spring , EEU , Regionalism , Silk Road Economic Belt , Uighur militancy
December 23,2015 Sino-Russian Defense Relations Intensify Between 1991 and 2006, Russian arms sales to China grew tremendously, as China eagerly sought to upgrade its military capabilities by incorporating advanced Russian military equipment and technology. During the 1990s, total arms sales between the two often exceeded USD 1 billion per year, and at their peak in the early 2000s, they averaged well over USD 2 billion per year.1 After 2006, however, a.. Paul Schwartz Bilateral arms trade , Chinese self-sufficiency , Maritime military , National security , Peace Mission exercises , R&D , Western sanctions