Nov 22,2013 National Commentaries Japanese Perspective "China and International Law/Norms: A Japanese Perspective" Signs of China respecting and complying with international law and norms are mixed at best. Assuming that international law and norms are the foundation of the postwar liberal international order, established and sustained by the United States and other advanced democracies including European states and Japan, I use […] Soeya Yoshihide* Abe Shinzo , East China Sea , International relations theory , National Security Liberal international order , proactive pacifism , South China Sea , unilateralism , value diplomacy
Nov 22,2013 National Commentaries Southeast Asian Perspective "China and International Law/Norms: Southeast Asian Perspective" Peaceful Development towards a Sinocentric Asia? China’s rise has resulted in a fundamental shift of the strategic balance in the world. While the United States and its alliance system remain dominant in security arrangements, China has become the center of economic gravity. In the wake of the US […] Huang Jing* Anti-unilateralism , ASEAN , BRICS , code of conduct , East China Sea , new type of relations , Peaceful Development , Rebalancing , Sinocentric , South China Sea