Jun 25,2019 Special Forum Introduction The fate of democratization in Asia in the post-Cold War era has been closely identified with four cases: Mongolia, the exemplar in inner Asia of establishing—in the shadow of Russia and China—a bona fide democratic system; Indonesia, the principal test case of a major, Moslem-majority country switching to the path of democratization; Malaysia, proof that […] Gilbert Rozman democratic backsliding , democratization , Liberal international order , National identity
Jan 25,2016 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (January 2016) The message in Russian media of late 2015 was pessimism about economic ties to China, but reluctance to blame the Chinese. Little is said about Russia’s relations in East Asia apart from China. Debate continues on the “turn to the East,” some seeing it as ongoing and inevitable, and others calling it an economic failure […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) Chinese diaspora , Geopolitics , National identity , Regionalism , Yellow Peril
Dec 18,2015 Alternative Scenarios Positive Scenario for Modi’s India “Acts East” Take Two: A Response to Manish Tewari American officials worked closely with the previous Indian government, led by the Congress Party and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, to build a wide-ranging strategic partnership after decades of geopolitical alienation between the world’s largest democracies. Since India’s May 2014 elections, they have worked closely with the current Indian government, led by Narendra Modi of the […] Daniel Twining India-US relations , Indian soft power , Indian sovereignty , National identity
Dec 10,2015 Open Forum Sunflowers and Umbrellas: Government Responses to Student-led Protests in Taiwan and Hong Kong With local identities increasingly consolidated, especially among young people, there have been unprecedented protests in both Taiwan and Hong Kong against their respective governments’ policies toward Beijing. Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement (SM) in March 2014 opposed further economic integration with China, specifically the ratification of a cross-Strait agreement on trade in services. Soon after, in September […] Syaru Shirley Lin Democracy , National identity , One Country Two Systems , Sunflower Movement , Umbrella Movement
Dec 10,2015 Open Forum India’s National Identity and Its Impact on Security Policy under Modi The consensus on India’s national identity has been slowly fragmenting over the last twenty-five years, especially since the emergence of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in 1998 displacing the Congress Party, India’s dominant political party since independence. After being out of power for a decade, the BJP came back to power with a decisive […] Deepa M. Ollapally Economic Relations , Modi , National identity , Nationalist-globalist
Nov 17,2015 Open Forum China’s Anti-Fascist War Narrative: Seventy Years On and the War with Japan is Not Over Yet In China, the war that ended with Japan’s surrender 70 years ago is known as the World Anti-Fascist War. Chinese communities in Melbourne and Sydney have been trying to get their tongues around this phrase all year to demonstrate their loyalty to Beijing at local commemorative events. This is certainly not what these communities called […] John Fitzgerald China , History , Japan , Nanjing Massacre , National identity , World Anti-Fascist War
Nov 13,2015 Alternative Scenarios Scenario of China’s Fault II In recent weeks there has been a palpable shift in the tenor of China-Japan relations. On November 1, Premier Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo met in Seoul as part of the China-Japan-Korea (CJK) trilateral summit—the first to be held since 2012 because of history and security disputes between Japan and China and history […] Amy King Anti-Japanese sentiment , Commercialized media , National identity
Nov 13,2015 Alternative Scenarios Scenario of Japan’s Fault II Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’h statement on the seventieth anniversary of Japan’s defeat in the Asia-Pacific War evoked mixed reactions from commentators. Some media reports were critical of its vagueness and of the historical narrative it presented. Others found hope in the fact that that Abe repeatedly referred to the need to “engrave in our hearts […] Tessa Morris-Suzuki Historical denialism , JSHTC , National identity , Strategic information diplomacy
Oct 15,2015 Special Forum Introduction to the Special Forum Xi Jinping, indisputably, is the most consequential Chinese leader since the period of Deng Xiaoping. Much has been written, usually from a short-term perspective, about how he is transforming China, The five articles that follow aspire to a wider-ranging understanding of his impact. First, Ezra Vogel, biographer of Deng Xiaoping, offers a comparative perspective on […] Editorial Staff Century of humiliation , China Dream , international rule of law , National identity
Oct 15,2015 Special Forum Xi Jinping Compared to Deng Xiaoping: Two Consequential Leaders of China An Interview with Ezra Vogel, September 28, 2015 Author of the preeminent biography of Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Ezra Vogel agreed to draw comparisons with Xi Jinping. We presented widely shared impressions of Xi and asked Vogel to assess the similarities and differences from Deng. EDITORIAL STAFF: Xi Jinping is […] Ezra Vogel Century of humiliation , hegemony , National identity , Regionalism