Jul 19,2013 Special Forum Cold War in Asia? China, Russia, and Asian Security Although the Cold War ended by 1991, commentators, experts, and others repeatedly invoke this metaphor at any sign of great power tension. 1 Since the United States and China are the two strongest global and Asian powers, mounting bilateral tensions stimulate many to postulate a new Cold War between them. Others argue that US-Russian relations […] Stephen Blank Arms Race , Central Asia , Cold War , India , New Cold War , Sino-Russian Relations , Southeast Asia
Jul 19,2013 Special Forum China and the United States Might Not Be Heading for a “New Cold War” A broad range of issues is plaguing Sino-US relations in 2013. Strategic prospects might now be grimmer than at any time since the normalization of bilateral relations in 1979. The cybercrime charge from the White House about China’s military intelligence unit espionage aimed at commercial secrets is a burning issue.1 Edward Snowden’s revelations are prompting […] Zhu Feng* Military Modernization , New Cold War , Rebalancing , South China Sea , Territorial Disputes
Jul 19,2013 Review Article Russian Perceptions of Sino-Russian Relations A.V. Lukin ed., Rossiia i Kitaia: chetyre veka vzaimodeistviia—istoriia, sovremennaia sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia Rossiisko-kitaiskikh otnoshenii [Russia and China: Four centuries of interaction—history, contemporary conditions, and perspectives on the development of Russo-Chinese relations] (Moscow, Ves’ mir, 2013), 704. As Stephen Blank’s article in this issue’s Special Forum makes clear, the state of Sino-Russian relations is […] Gilbert Rozman Civilizations , Multipolarity , New Cold War , Russian Schools of Thought , Sino-Russian Relations , Strategic Triangle