Oct 20,2015 Country Reports Country Report: China (October 2015) Li Jiacheng and Li Ang in the August Taipingyang Xuebao analyzed security relations between Japan and India. Viewing the two countries having a shared dream of being great powers, they cite increasingly converging interests: political, economic, and strategic. Responding to maritime security problems with China, the two states made a leap forward in relations when […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) ASEAN , Indo-Japanese relations , National security , One Belt One Road , Regionalism , South China Sea
Oct 20,2015 Open Forum Asia’s Southern Tier and Northern Tier This article is in three parts: 1) an overview with comparisons; 2) an introduction to analysis of the Southern Tier centered on ASEAN, Australia, and India; and 3) an introduction to analysis directed at the Northern Tier centered on Russia, China, and North Korea. In a rapidly changing Asian landscape, focus on the core of […] Gilbert Rozman ASEAN , Regionalism , Sino-Russian Relations , triangularity
Oct 15,2015 Special Forum Xi Jinping Compared to Deng Xiaoping: Two Consequential Leaders of China An Interview with Ezra Vogel, September 28, 2015 Author of the preeminent biography of Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Ezra Vogel agreed to draw comparisons with Xi Jinping. We presented widely shared impressions of Xi and asked Vogel to assess the similarities and differences from Deng. EDITORIAL STAFF: Xi Jinping is […] Ezra Vogel Century of humiliation , hegemony , National identity , Regionalism
Sep 24,2015 Alternative Scenarios Scenario of China’s Fault In March 2015, Premier Li Keqiang gave a press conference following the conclusion of the annual National People’s Congress, in which he explained that China’s relationship with Japan had reached an important crossroads. In a year in which the two countries were about to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the end of WWII, Li presented […] Amy King CCP , Economic Relations , National identity , Re-Remember , Regionalism
Sep 23,2015 Open Forum Washington Insights (Vol. 3, No. 5) Four events drove discussions in DC in the normally quiet weeks of late summer. First, there was the Abe statement and the implications of historical memories for bilateral relations and US regional policy. Second, there was North Korea’s threat of war followed by direct talks with South Korea with uncertain implications. Third, Xi Jinping’s seventieth […] Editorial Staff History Wars , Japan-US relations , Nationalism Security , Obama-Abe summit , Regionalism , ROK-Sino Relations
Sep 23,2015 Alternative Scenarios Positive Scenario II: Optimism amidst Doubts for China and Its International Behavior On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the end of WWII, China’s much expected military parade of September 3 was held in Beijing. After all, China, the “forgotten ally” as the British historian Rana Mitter put it, was a key part of the anti-fascist alliance during WWII. It bore a heavy burden in the […] Ren Xiao* China-Japan-South Korea summit , National identity , One Belt One Road , Regionalism
Sep 21,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (September 2015) On August 23 in Rossiiskaia Gazeta, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wrote about the significance of the seventieth anniversary of war’s end for relations with China. Linking the struggle against Naziism and Japanese militarism, he spoke proudly of the precedent of mobilizing all forces in each of these nations. He praised the Soviet Union too as […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) European Union , National security , Regionalism , Silk Road Economic Belt , Sino-Russian Relations
Sep 18,2015 Alternative Scenarios Scenario of Japan’s Fault As the fiftieth anniversary of Japan’s defeat in the Asia-Pacific War approached in the summer of 1995, the Japanese Diet debated a resolution, which, it was hoped, would lay the ghosts of the past to rest. The aim was to present a national statement of memory and remorse, broadly supported across the political spectrum and […] Tessa Morris-Suzuki Abe Statement , History problem , National identity , Regionalism
Sep 17,2015 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (September 2015) Three themes concerning relations in Northeast Asia preoccupied the South Korean media in the late summer. Before and after the Abe statement, there was considerable interest in dealing with an unsatisfactory narrative without sacrificing what is now a two-track approach to Japan. Later in August, in the aftermath of the agreement with North Korea ending […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) 8.25 Agreement , Abe Statement , National security , Regionalism , Sino-ROK Relations
Aug 27,2015 Alternative Scenarios Negative Scenario II: This Triangle Will Not Take Shape The argument in favor of a “Sino-Russian-North Korean” triangle in Northeast Asia rests on the notion that Beijing and Moscow need North Korea for reasons that outweigh their broader political and economic interests and that North Korea has no choice but to go along with the triangular arrangement, because the alternative would be complete isolation, […] Sergey Radchenko Cold War , Iran nuclear deal , Regionalism , Six-Party Talks