Jun 25,2019 Special Forum Democratization, National Identity and Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Indonesia has gone through a drastic transformation since the downfall of President Suharto in May 1998. Its national identity has evolved as a result of a process of democratization that has transformed Indonesia into the third largest democracy worldwide. The country also remains a rare example of a Muslim majority democracy. In light of its […] Ralf Emmers Bali Democracy Forum , Guided democracy , Joko Widodo , Rules-based order , Suharto
Jul 02,2018 National Commentaries An Australian Perspective Donald Trump’s disruptive impact on US alliance management was exemplified by two sets of public comments earlier in June 2018. The president’s public condemnation of Justin Trudeau as “very dishonest and weak” for pushing back against Washington’s imposition of tariffs on Canadian goods1 was followed by praise for North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un as “very […] Andrew O’Neil AIIB , BRI , China-Australia FTA , Five Eyes , NATO , Rules-based order
Dec 18,2015 National Commentaries The Japanese POV: Japan-US-Australian Trilateralism "The November Summits in Retrospect" The “quasi-alliance” (jundomei) is an increasingly fashionable term of the Japanese government as well as the wider policy community in Tokyo to describe its rapidly growing security relationship with Canberra.1 Although the precise meaning of the term is yet to be defined (and the government certainly does not have in […] Yusuke Ishihara Capacity-building assistance , China gap , National security , Naval cooperation , Quasi-alliance , Regionalism , Rules-based order