Sep 22,2016 Alternative Scenarios Positive Scenario II Below I respond to the negative scenario for Sino-Russian relations, as presented by Brian Carlson, and attempt to discern the most realistic outcome for how this relationship will evolve in the short-term. The main argument is that the Chinese adage of “hot politics, cold economics” will continue to apply to Sino-Russian partnership, as bilateral trade […] Gregory Shtraks Eurasian Economic Union , G20 , One Belt One Road , Russia Far East , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Silk Road Economic Belt , South China Sea , US hegemony
Sep 22,2016 Review Article Chinese Perspectives on Economic Diplomacy With China’s growing economic (and political) clout, economic diplomacy has become an important tool in Chinese foreign policy. Beijing has provided extensive inducements in the form of aid and investment to many developing countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, including its much-vaunted One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. At times, it has also […] Audrye Wong ASEAN , Asian Infrastructural Investment Bank , One Belt One Road , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Silk Road Economic Belt , South China Sea
Aug 25,2016 Alternative Scenarios Negative Scenario I Chinese and Russian leaders regularly declare that their countries’ bilateral relationship is at its highest level in history. The two countries share similar views on a range of international issues, and though they disavow any intention to form an alliance, they frequently proclaim their desire to oppose “hegemonism” and to build a multipolar world. In […] Brian G. Carlson Eurasian Economic Union , Power of Siberia-2 , Russia Far East , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Siberia , Silk Road Economic Belt , US hegemony
Aug 25,2016 Alternative Scenarios Positive Scenario I It has been more than two years since the Ukraine crisis ushered in a new era in Sino-Russian relations. Many analysts argue that the Sino-Russian rapprochement began much earlier than 2014, but it is undeniable that 2014 was a watershed year. Since that time, the nascent partnership has experienced both ebbs and flows, as the […] Gregory Shtraks Eurasian Economic Union , One Belt One Road Initiative , Russia Far East , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Silk Road Economic Belt , US hegemony
Aug 24,2016 Country Reports Country Report: China (August 2016) The Hague tribunal’s adjudication of the South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines dominated Chinese foreign policy discussions in mid-2016. Chinese analysts also assessed relations with Russia and India, suggested structural reforms to encourage the resumption of the Six-Party Talks, and considered the implications of Japan’s new security laws. Hague Tribunal on the […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) Arunachal Pradesh , ASEAN , Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands , East and South China Seas , Eurasian Economic Union , Hague Tribunal , Silk Road Economic Belt , Six-Party Talks , Tibet , Xinjiang
Aug 12,2016 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (July 2016) Articles in the spring and early summer of 2016 were split between two categories: those on Sino-Russian relations, affirming or refuting charges that they have failed to meet expectations; and those praising Russia’s ability to remain aloof from the major disputes in the Asia-Pacific while maintaining its great power role. The former tended to draw […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) ASEAN , Asia-Pacific region , East and South China Seas , Eurasian Economic Union , Silk Road Economic Belt , Sochi Russia-ASEAN summit
Mar 25,2016 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (March 2016) Vladimir Lukin, after explaining shortcomings of the United States, wrote in Rossiia v Global’noi Politike, no. 1, about his conceptions of China and India. He praised Deng Xiaoping for controlling China’s not inconsiderable foreign ambitions to devote all energies to resolving severe domestic problems. Over the following three-and-a-half decades, China lost not in the least […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) EEU , Russian Far East , Silk Road Economic Belt , Sino-US Relations , TPP
Dec 23,2015 Special Forum Russia, China, and Central Asia: Time for Decision When the Soviet Union disintegrated, one might have expected Central Asia to become a natural region of rivalry between Moscow, which could no longer exercise formal political control over the region, and Beijing, whose rising power was no longer contained by a sealed Soviet border reinforced by powerful armed forces. But China and Russia have […] Richard Weitz Arab Spring , EEU , Regionalism , Silk Road Economic Belt , Uighur militancy
Sep 21,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (September 2015) On August 23 in Rossiiskaia Gazeta, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wrote about the significance of the seventieth anniversary of war’s end for relations with China. Linking the struggle against Naziism and Japanese militarism, he spoke proudly of the precedent of mobilizing all forces in each of these nations. He praised the Soviet Union too as […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) European Union , National security , Regionalism , Silk Road Economic Belt , Sino-Russian Relations
Aug 18,2015 Open Forum Russia, China and the Emerging Greater Eurasia Russia and China drawing together is an unmistakable phenomenon in today’s international relations. Is it a result of deteriorated Russo-US and Sino-US relations or does it have more fundamental origins? How is it altering the evolving structure of international relations? To these questions, both in Russia and abroad, diverse, and at times, contradictory opinions have […] Alexander Lukin Economic Relations , International law , National security , Silk Road Economic Belt , sovereignty , Ukraine crisis