Sep 17,2013 Topics of the Month The China Dream – 3 This monthly post tracks developments around the “China Dream” since August 16, 2013. It continues to be the case that if we follow the thread of the “China Dream” discourse we learn much about Chinese domestic politics and foreign policy. After the Beidaihe meeting was over, the Chinese leaders reengaged in high profile diplomacy. On […] Ming Wan China Dream , ideological struggle , leadership differences , Liu Yunshan , Xi Jinping , Yang Jiechi
Sep 13,2013 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (September 2013) In a speech delivered on the sixty-eighth anniversary of Liberation Day, Park Geun-hye said, “Japanese politicians need to show courageous leadership to heal wounds from the past to develop the bilateral relationship to a sincere cooperative partnership.” She also urged Japan to take “responsible and sincere” measures for victims of history and together to establish […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) dependency on China , inter-Korean trust process , Merkel , mutual abandonment , Park Geun-hye , Shinzo Abe , Xi Jinping , Yasukuni Shrine
Sep 01,2013 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (September 2013) Coverage of Abe Shinzo in the Japanese media has centered on three familiar themes and on one that has gone mostly unnoticed abroad. The July 21 Upper House elections were a referendum on Abenomics. Speculation about Abe’s revisionism only quieted some after it became known that Abe would not visit the Yasukuni Shrine on August […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Iwaki Shigeyuki*) Apology diplomacy , Chinese power struggle , PLA , virtuous history , Xi Jinping
Aug 21,2013 Topics of the Month The China Dream – 2 Chinese politics may be entering one of those intriguing periods. This monthly post tracks the development around President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” since July 10, 2013, and responds to the comments by William Callahan and Gilbert Rozman. I agree with Callahan that there are different China dreams and Xi’s “China Dream” evolved partly from the […] Ming Wan China Dream , Communist theory , Political Standing Committee , The American Dream , Xi Jinping
Aug 02,2013 Open Forum Xi Jinping’s “China Dream”: Same Bed, Different Dreams? Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” slogan has attracted much attention. It should. The remarks and actions by a rising power’s new leader normally attract attention because they provide clues about where he intends to lead his country. Xi’s “China Dream” is meant as the vision for China over the next decade and, perhaps, longer. […] Ming Wan China Dream , Peaceful Development , Xi Jinping
Jul 09,2013 Topics of the Month The China Dream – 1 This is the first monthly posting on President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” campaign. My longer article, published in this journal, provides a broader discussion of the state of affairs related to the China Dream. That article addresses four questions: What the China Dream means, how it reveals Xi’s leadership, what is the chatter on the […] Ming Wan China Dream , Chinese Communist Party , Constitutionalism , Mass Line , Peaceful Development , Socialism with Chinese Characteristics , Xi Jinping