Xi Jinping’s Strategic Thinking, their Implications for Three US Allies, and Post-Xi Visions Introduction Compared to the abundant analyses of strategic thinking of the United States and of US allies toward China, coverage of Chinese thinking is scant, particularly toward US allies. Leaders are scrutinized for their policy choices toward China much more than China is scrutinized for how it drives those choices and sets forth its own policy options. Below, we review Xi Jinping’s words in sea.. Editorial Staff
March 02,2021 Uninterrupted Rise: China’s Global Strategy According to Xi Jinping Thought To many in the Chinese leadership the global financial crisis revealed that advanced Western capitalist democracies are “paper-tigers.” This assessment led to growing voices questioning if Deng Xiaoping’s “hide and bide” dictum for foreign policy was still appropriate. Prior to Xi Jinping coming to power in late 2012 the Chinese leadership had no consensus on how .. Steve Tsang , Olivia Cheung Comprehensive national strength , Joe Biden , United Front , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping , Xi Jinping Thought
March 02,2021 China’s Strategies toward South Korea, Japan, and Australia in the Biden Era As the Biden administration eyes ways to strengthen US alliances, China is weighing methods to drive a wedge between the US and its principal allies in the Indo-Pacific region—Japan, South Korea, and Australia. Its recent rhetoric toward them varies: harsh warnings toward Australia, a welcoming tone toward South Korea with underlying warnings, and the most positive narrative directed at Ja.. Gilbert Rozman COVID-19 , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Moon Jae-in , Scott Morrison , Suga Yoshihide , trilateralism , US Alliance
March 02,2021 What’s Past Is Prologue: China After Xi What comes after Xi Jinping? The question itself seems premature to ask, given the near-certainty that Xi will assume a norm-breaking 3rd five-year term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the 20th Party Congress, to be held late next year. Indeed, from Beijing to Berlin to Washington DC, a consensus has emerged that Xi will steer China for at least the next decade, .. Jude Blanchette Hu Jintao , Joe Biden , national rejuvenation , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping