Apr 27,2021 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (May 2021) In the wake of the inauguration of the Biden administration, a flurry of diplomatic activities in the Indo-Pacific ensued in March and April, which brought into sharp focus South Korea’s growing dilemma as a middle power wedged between its closest security ally, the US, and largest trading partner, China. With liberal internationalist Joe Biden and […] Munkyoung Shin , Munkyoung Shin Anti-leaflet law , Quad , Special Measures Agreement , US-China rivalry , US-ROK alliance
Apr 27,2021 Open Forum Washington Insights, Vol. 9, No. 2 The months of March and April saw a revival of energetic exchanges on international affairs after the dulling effect of the past year of pandemic and the dark shadow of Trumpism. Biden reenergized bilateral and multilateral diplomacy with the Quad as one of the key themes in the quest for understanding new dynamism in the […] Editorial Staff Quad , US-China rivalry , US-DPRK diplomacy , US-Japan alliance , US-ROK alliance
Apr 20,2021 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (April 2021) In the first quarter of 2021, Japanese coverages turned from assessing 2020 to anticipating Biden’s impact to taking satisfaction in Biden’s initial moves toward Japan and China. With diplomatic travel on hold, for the most part, its resumption in March and early April showcased Japan-US relations. A virtual Quad summit, followed by the 2+2 US-Japan […] Editorial Staff Economic national security , Quad , Strategic Triangle , US-China rivalry , US-Japan alliance , Yachi Shotaro
Apr 01,2021 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (March 2021) Two themes gained prominence in Russian coverage of the Indo-Pacific region in the first part of 2021: the Russo-China-US triangle and the geopolitics of the Korean Peninsula. There was little on the hallmarks of multipolarity, especially India. The mood was upbeat for three main reasons: 1) Sino-Russian relations are strong and growing stronger; 2) the […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) alliances , Strategic Triangle , US-China rivalry , US-North Korea nuclear talks
Mar 02,2021 Special Forum Introduction Compared to the abundant analyses of strategic thinking of the United States and of US allies toward China, coverage of Chinese thinking is scant, particularly toward US allies. Leaders are scrutinized for their policy choices toward China much more than China is scrutinized for how it drives those choices and sets forth its own policy […] Editorial Staff free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , US Alliance , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping
Mar 02,2021 Special Forum Uninterrupted Rise: China’s Global Strategy According to Xi Jinping Thought To many in the Chinese leadership the global financial crisis revealed that advanced Western capitalist democracies are “paper-tigers.” This assessment led to growing voices questioning if Deng Xiaoping’s “hide and bide” dictum for foreign policy was still appropriate. Prior to Xi Jinping coming to power in late 2012 the Chinese leadership had no consensus on […] Steve Tsang , Olivia Cheung Comprehensive national strength , Joe Biden , United Front , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping , Xi Jinping Thought
Mar 02,2021 Special Forum What’s Past Is Prologue: China After Xi What comes after Xi Jinping? The question itself seems premature to ask, given the near-certainty that Xi will assume a norm-breaking 3rd five-year term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the 20th Party Congress, to be held late next year. Indeed, from Beijing to Berlin to Washington DC, a consensus has […] Jude Blanchette Hu Jintao , Joe Biden , national rejuvenation , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping
Mar 02,2021 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2021) In the winter of 2020–2021, Chinese analysts contemplated a world in flux, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to devastate the United States and the arrival of new leadership in both Japan (in September 2020) and the United States (in January 2021). They assessed how Sino–US competition will impact the future world order and explored how […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) "Belt and Road" Initiative , Cold War , COVID-19 , Joe Biden , Quad , US-China rivalry
Mar 02,2021 Open Forum Washington Insights, Vol. 9, No. 1 China This year is the kick-off for Xi’s reelection campaign in 2022 after the Party Congress and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP. Xi will be hypersensitive. Beijing is not starting the new Biden era with cautious engagement. Wolf warrior diplomacy is a feature of the system. China is more confident after […] Editorial Staff free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Quad , TPP , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping
Feb 15,2021 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (February 2021) The end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 saw Japan in a wait-and-see mood: knowing that Joe Biden would be the US president and that Suga Yoshihide would sustain the legacy of Abe Shinzo, but unsure what Biden’s approach would be on the most sensitive issues or whether there would be the right kind of […] Editorial Staff comfort women , COVID-19 , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Quad , TPP , US-China rivalry