The Role of National Identity in International Relations National Identity Frameworks and International Relations in Asia As the strategic significance of Asia increases with the region’s economic and diplomatic influence, and as analyses broaden in geographic scope by devoting greater attention to India and Southeast Asia in addition to the traditional players in Northeast Asia, growing uncertainty complicates the region’s prospects for maintaining peace and extending prosperity. In particular,.. Leif-Eric Easley
January 25,2014 National Identities, Historical Memories, and Reconciliation in Northeast Asia This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Shin Gi-Wook* Apology , Asian paradox , facilitating role , history question , joint history textbooks , reconciliation
January 25,2014 National Identity under Transformation: New Challenges to South Korea This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Kim Jiyoon* civic identity , ethnic identity , homogeneity , Koreanness , migration , unification
January 25,2014 Russia’s National Identity and Foreign Policy toward the Asia-Pacific Questions of national identity and foreign policy are usually linked when it comes to discussing Russia’s ambivalent relationship to the West, and especially to Europe. However, Moscow’s growing interest in its Asian neighbors is not without similar ambiguities. Its intensification of economic exchanges with China and Japan and its evolving strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region are in.. Marlene Laruelle Anti-Americanism , Asia , civilization , disillusionment with Europe , Europeanness , Sinophilia , Sinophobia
January 25,2014 India’s Evolving National Identity Contestation: What Reactions to the “Pivot” Tell Us Despite the massive transformations that have been underway in India’s economic and strategic realms since 1991, this article argues that the changes predicted by the realist theory of international relations have not occurred and are not likely anytime soon. India has posed a difficult case for realists since the country’s independence. Earlier, it bucked the trend of bipolar alliances that w.. Deepa M. Ollapally Autonomy , civilizational entitlement , civilizational humiliation , realism , sovereignty , the rebalance
January 25,2014 A National Identity Approach to Japan’s Late 2013 Foreign Policy Thinking This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Gilbert Rozman Autonomy , civilizational entitlement , civilizational humiliation , realism , sovereignty , the rebalance