Jan 25,2014 Special Forum India’s Evolving National Identity Contestation: What Reactions to the “Pivot” Tell Us Despite the massive transformations that have been underway in India’s economic and strategic realms since 1991, this article argues that the changes predicted by the realist theory of international relations have not occurred and are not likely anytime soon. India has posed a difficult case for realists since the country’s independence. Earlier, it bucked the […] Deepa M. Ollapally Autonomy , civilizational entitlement , civilizational humiliation , realism , sovereignty , the rebalance
Jan 25,2014 Special Forum A National Identity Approach to Japan’s Late 2013 Foreign Policy Thinking This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Gilbert Rozman Autonomy , civilizational entitlement , civilizational humiliation , realism , sovereignty , the rebalance