Jul 29,2019 Open Forum Deciphering China’s Intentions: What Can Open Sources Tell Us? Over the past several years, bold assertions about China’s long-range strategic goals have become common in the US public discourse. In 2015, Michael Pillsbury published his influential volume The Hundred-Year Marathon, which purported to disclose China’s “frightening plans” to overtake the United States as the world’s leading power by 2049 and rewrite the rules of […] Joel Wuthnow "Belt and Road" Initiative , 19th Party Congress , Chinese Communist Party , Huawei , Taiwan , Xi Jinping Thought , Xinjiang , ZTE
Nov 04,2017 Special Forum Introduction To better understand China’s foreign policy in this turbulent era, this collection of three articles traces the trajectory of its evolution, delves into the way discourse is tweaked even when it deceptively duplicates that used elsewhere, and probes the record to date of megaprojects to bring the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to fruition. The […] Editorial Staff 19th Party Congress , BRI , Donald Trump , Xi Jinping
Nov 04,2017 Special Forum The Trajectory of Chinese Foreign Policy: From Reactive Assertiveness to Opportunistic Activism In recent years, particularly since Xi Jinping’s ascension to power, it has become commonplace for journalists and experts in the United States to describe China’s external behavior as growing increasingly assertive, even revisionist. Many commentators have attributed this shift to Xi, suggesting a causality between his leadership and China’s growing assertiveness. To many in the […] Ryan Hass 19th Party Congress , AIIB , BRI , BRICS , communist party , Xi Jinping
Nov 04,2017 Special Forum China and the “Definition Gap”: Shaping Global Governance in Words Increasingly, China’s diplomacy is using key words commonly used by liberal democracies, but the meaning differs greatly. This evolution is changing the terms of the debate without changing a single term. The Widening “Definition Gap” China has very actively participated in high-level multilateral gatherings in recent years. Since he became president of the People’s Republic […] Alice Ekman 19th Party Congress , BRI , community of common destiny , UN Security Council
Oct 26,2017 National Commentaries A Chinese Perspective President Trump had a bad start in his governance in the United States, embroiled in bitter disputes with all kinds of people and suffering repeated frustration in promoting his agenda, but Trump has found a silver lining in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations. First, he has effectively replaced the previous administration’s “strategic […] Cheng Xiaohe* 19th Party Congress , Donald Trump , Security Council , Xi Jinping