Apr 22,2020 Country Reports Country Report: China (April 2020) As 2020 began, Chinese authors were busy not only summing up the far-reaching results of 2019 but also putting them in broad analytical perspective. China’s other bilateral relations had slipped as a focus, secondary to the telling impact of the transformative core of the international order—the Sino-US nexus. Sino-Russian relations paled in significance. Relations with […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) "Belt and Road" Initiative , Cold War , community of common destiny , COVID-19 , Six-Party Talks , Xi Jinping
Mar 30,2020 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (March 2020) Russians agree that this is a period of transformation, but there are differences regarding the nature of the changes. Essentially, three schools of thought can be discerned in recent articles. The variables differentiating them are not always fully apparent, but we can assume that three matter most: 1) attitudes toward the authoritarian and censorship drift […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) "Belt and Road" Initiative , community of common destiny , Coronavirus , COVID-19 , Eurasian Economic Union , Vladimir Putin , Xi Jinping
Jan 20,2020 Special Forum The Case of Xi Jinping In January 1980, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping gathered senior cadres from the upper reaches of the country’s political system to discuss "the present situation and the tasks before us."1 Just two weeks into the new decade, Deng sensed that the 1980s would be “a dangerous decade” typified by “great turbulence and crises.” But it was […] Jude Blanchette "Belt and Road" Initiative , AIIB , community of common destiny , Global Financial Crisis , national rejuvenation , New Development Bank , Xi Jinping
Dec 20,2019 Country Reports Country Report: China (December 2019) In late 2019, Chinese analysts advocated for a Chinese conception of global governance to replace that previously put forward by the United States and the West. They urged China and South Korea to seize the opportunity created by reduced tensions on the Korean peninsula to strengthen their bilateral security cooperation. They also tried to make […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) "Belt and Road" Initiative , community of common destiny , New Southern Policy , Socialism with Chinese Characteristics , THAAD , US-North Korean talks
Oct 21,2019 Country Reports Country Report: China (October 2019) In the middle of 2019, Chinese experts evaluated the state of South Korea–Japan relations, which deteriorated sharply during the summer of 2019 with the Japanese imposition of export controls toward South Korea. Continuing their careful attention to Indian foreign policy, Chinese analysts examined expanding India–Vietnam maritime cooperation and its implications for the South China Sea […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) Act East Policy , comfort women , community of common destiny , GSOMIA , US-China trade war
Oct 16,2018 Open Forum The Balance between Sinophobia and Discourse on Cooperation: Expert Opinion on China in Russia and Kazakhstan The Beijing-Moscow-Astana triangle is the key to the processes of integration and economic cooperation in “Central Eurasia”—a recent but salient geopolitical construct, the appearance of which was brought to light by the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Russian concept of “Greater Eurasia.”1 Relations of the three sides of this triangle result from […] Ivan Zuenko BRI , community of common destiny , EEU , Nurly Zhol , SCO , Sinophobia , SREB , Valdai Club
Feb 19,2018 Open Forum China’s Discourse of “Civilization”: Visions of Past, Present, and Future In early 2017, Chinese president Xi Jinping gave a speech at a domestic national security seminar in which he boldly stated his aspiration to have China take on leadership of a new global order in a “post-Western era.”1 In this speech, he used the word “civilization” or “civilized” (wenming) three times: once to refer to […] Alison Kaufman Century of humiliation , Chinese civilization , Chinese Communist Party , community of common destiny
Nov 04,2017 Special Forum China and the “Definition Gap”: Shaping Global Governance in Words Increasingly, China’s diplomacy is using key words commonly used by liberal democracies, but the meaning differs greatly. This evolution is changing the terms of the debate without changing a single term. The Widening “Definition Gap” China has very actively participated in high-level multilateral gatherings in recent years. Since he became president of the People’s Republic […] Alice Ekman 19th Party Congress , BRI , community of common destiny , UN Security Council
Jun 05,2017 Open Forum Eurasian Integration “a la Chinese”: Deciphering Beijing’s Vision for the Region as a “Community of Common Destiny” Beijing’s vision of a 21st century version of the ancient Silk Roads was revealed during two speeches by Xi Jinping, one in Astana and the second in Jakarta, at the end of 2013.1 Kazakhstan and Indonesia were not chosen by mere chance, just one month apart as the official sites for the launch of the […] Nadège Rolland "Belt and Road" Initiative , community of common destiny , OBOR , Silk Road , tributary system , Xi Jinping
Feb 22,2017 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2017) In late 2016-early 2017, Chinese analysts examined state-level decision-making on the Korean Peninsula. In the first batch of articles written after the Hague tribunal’s decision, they explored China’s approach to ASEAN, interpreted Duterte’s new China policy, and assessed ASEAN maritime management. They also considered the origins and implications of Abe’s nationalism and the prospects for […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) ASEAN , ASEAN Maritime Forum , ASEAN Regional Forum , ASEAN+3 , community of common destiny , Duterte , East Asia Summit , energy , G7 , Greater Mekong Subregion