Dec 09,2019 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (November 2019) Through the fall, Seoul’s relationship with Tokyo has been at its nadir, but relations with both Pyongyang and Washington have also been deeply troubled. While conservative and progressive articles and commentators have differed in their recommendations, neither found much basis for hope. Under pressure, concessions have been made and perceived as responses to desperation. Fear […] Kim Kimberly CVID , GSOMIA , Mount Geumgang , Pyongyang Declaration , Special Measures Agreement , Trump-Kim summit , US-ROK alliance
Feb 19,2019 Special Forum Korea:A Bone of Contention or a Chance for Cooperation? A View from Russia Due to the unprecedented crisis on the Korean Peninsula in 2016-2017, China and Russia drew closer on Korean affairs and became united in opposition to the US policy of pressure and threats. A détente era in Korea since 2018 gave a new boost to their cooperation—permanent channels of coordination were established, while both countries were […] Georgy Toloraya CVID , double freeze , FFVD , Singapore Summit , Six-Party Talks , THAAD , turn to the East , Vietnam summit
Aug 31,2018 Special Forum US-China Rivalry and the Future of the Korean Peninsula The ongoing “trade war” between the United States and China is not just a trade dispute in light of the two sides’ intensifying rivalry in the area of strategic technologies. The rivalry has deepened as China has stepped up efforts to overtake western countries in advanced technologies, especially for semiconductors (the silicon brains required to […] Kim Sung-han* alliance transition , CVID , Panmunjom Declaration , Quad , THAAD , US-ROK alliance , value alliance
Aug 08,2018 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (July 2018) From May to July 2018, South Korean news editorials continued to focus on bilateral dynamics among the two Koreas, the United States, and China. On inter-Korean relations, analysts assessed the second inter-Korean summit, which followed the North’s unilateral suspension of high-level talks and momentary refusal to allow South Korean journalists at the dismantling of the […] Eun A Jo CVID , Kaesong Industrial Complex , KMEP , Panmunjom Declaration , Singapore Declaration , Trump-Kim summit , Xi-Kim summit
Aug 07,2018 Open Forum Unwilling Bystander: Japan Befuddled Strategically in 2018 Compared to “shocks” in 1971-72 and 1987-89, when US policy shifted abruptly toward first China and then the Soviet Union, the shock of 2018 from the US shift toward North Korea is proving even more unsettling. It is seen as leaving Japan at greater risk, more seriously putting the alliance in jeopardy, and raising more […] Gilbert Rozman CJK summit , CVID , maximum pressure , Moon-Kim summit , Trump-Kim summit , US-ROK military exercises
Jul 24,2018 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (July 2018) Zero-sum reasoning prevailed in Russian writings. The United States is the enemy, and it must be weakened, which authors take satisfaction is happening. A contradictory approach to Trump is apparent: he is fighting valiantly against vested US interests, but his actions are contributing to a rapid decline in US influence. Optimism for Russia centers on […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) AIIB , BRI , CVID , EEU , Khasan-Rajin railway , SCO , Trump-Kim summit
May 21,2018 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (May 2018) From March to May, South Korean news editorials continued to focus on inter-Korean and US-Korean relations, albeit with a new player in the picture: China. On China, analysts assessed its trade relations with the United States and Kim’s two summits with Xi, which took place before and after the inter-Korean summit. On inter-Korean and US-Korean […] Eun A Jo CVID , inter-Korean summit , John Bolton , Kim-Xi summit , Libya model , Max Thunder , Trump-Kim summit