Oct 23,2020 National Commentaries Mongolia’s Response to China’s New Educational Policy in Inner Mongolia As Chinese authorities began to introduce the new educational policy in Inner Mongolia, protests have been staged by ethnic Mongolian communities in Chinese northern provinces. The new educational policy, which has already been implemented in minority ethnic schools in autonomous regions of Xinjiang in 2017 and Tibet in 2018, requires three subjects—“language and literature,” “morality […] Mendee Jargalsaikhan "Belt and Road" Initiative , “Save the Mongolian Language” , Battulga Khaltmaa , China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor , Dalai Lama , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Xi Jinping
Oct 23,2020 National Commentaries Chinese Cultural Policies in Tibet: A Perspective from India Indians have at least two vantage points from which to view what is happening in Tibet. Large parts of Himalayan India border Tibet, and the perspective from these regions is often different from the capital in New Delhi. Lay and monastic populations of Himalayan India, Bhutan, and Tibet have been closely knit in networks of […] Swati Chawla communism , Dalai Lama , Narendra Modi , One Child Policy , Sinification , Tibet , Xi Jinping
Aug 22,2017 Open Forum Mongolia’s Shrinking Foreign Policy Space More than a quarter of a century has passed since Mongolia broke free of Soviet tutelage and set out to chart an independent course in foreign policy. Given the country’s staggering geopolitical handicap—the inescapable embrace of Russia to the north and China to the south—Mongolia has done remarkably well. Playing China against Russia and the […] Sergey Radchenko Dalai Lama , Khaltmaagiin Battulga , Miegombyn Enkhbold , OBOR , resource nationalism , Vladmir Putin , Xi Jinping
Apr 24,2017 Special Forum The Case of China In the shadow of the recent summit between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, onlookers are eager for clues to the future of Sino–US relations and US policy in the Asia–Pacific. In the past context of a fairly stable US policy approach, China has developed entrenched perceptions of US policy, grounded in China’s assessment of its […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) AIIB , cultural diplomacy , Dalai Lama , Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands , OBOR , RCEP , Scarborough Shoal , separatism , Six-Party Talks , South China Sea
Dec 16,2016 Special Forum What Trump Should Do about China The monkey king raised his cudgel, and there was great disorder in Heaven. The jadelike firmament was cleared of dust With this phrase, Mao Zedong began China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. As nearly all Chinese would know, the phrase comes from a 16th century novel that has roots in folk beliefs dating from at least […] June Teufel Dreyer 4th nuclear test , ASEAN , Asia pivot , Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , burden-sharing , China Dream , cyberespionage , Dalai Lama , Diaoyu islands , freedom of navigation