Apr 30,2019 National Commentaries A View from the United States Although there is progress regarding the code of conduct (COC) for the South China Sea between ASEAN and China, the South China Sea is not without tensions.1 China’s first aircraft carrier took part in a naval review, along with latest-generation nuclear submarines, destroyers, and fighter jets in late April, marking the People’s Republic navy’s 70th […] Ketian Zhang "Belt and Road" Initiative , FONOPs , free and open Indo-Pacific , South China Sea , Spratlys , the Quad
Feb 19,2019 Special Forum Military Aspects of the Russo-Chinese Alliance: A View from the United States Recent official US statements postulate Sino-Russian enmity towards the US.1 Moreover, they rightly highlight an unprecedentedly close alignment of these two states against the US.2 In other words the triangular relationship is now a relationship of two against one. Following the US assessment, this article opposes the reigning academic view, expressed in numerous recent studies […] Stephen Blank BRI , C4ISR , FONOPs , INF Treaty , Northern Sea Route , Sino-Russian alliance , South China Sea , UNCLOS , Vostok 2018
Aug 29,2018 Alternative Scenarios Security II Sino-Japan relations, as reported in the mass media over the last several weeks, seem to have positive prospects, accelerated by the fortieth anniversary of the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship, signed on August 12, 1978 and put into effect on October 23, 1978. It was reported by Japanese media early in August that the […] Yamaguchi Noboru* “nine-dot line” , BRI , China Dream , FONOPs , South China Sea
Jul 29,2017 Special Forum Australia Australia is perhaps the ideal incubator for ideas, invectives, and occasionally, idiocies regarding a foreign policy challenge facing many if not most states today—how to navigate the disruptive transition occasioned by America’s decline and China’s rise. Relatively secure in its geographic isolation, with insufficient material capabilities either to look after itself or tip the global […] Darren J. Lim 1951 ANZUS Treaty , Donald Trump , FONOPs , Malcolm Turnbull , OBOR , Shangri-La Dialogue , TPP-11
Jul 29,2017 Special Forum ASEAN For Southeast Asia, the halcyon days of the Obama “pivot,” which saw the president initiate the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, accede to ASEAN’s Treaty of Amity and Cooperation on the way to joining the East Asia Summit, and visit almost all Southeast Asian countries (the only exception was Brunei, which he would have visited […] Liow Joseph Chinyong* APEC summit , BRI , Donald Trump , FONOPs , South China Sea , TPP , UNCLOS , US-ASEAN Summit