Aug 23,2018 National Commentaries An American (Non-Trumpian) Perspective on Asian Integration With the long-standing failure of multilateral negotiations in the World Trade Organization and the recent US retreat to economic nationalism and “America First,” Asian trade and investment liberalization and regional integration are increasingly where the action is for global economic advances. This reality is illustrated by three moving targets: the completion and expansion of the […] Claude Barfield CPTPP , FTAs , Indo-Pacific strategy , RCEP
Aug 11,2014 Open Forum Southeast Asia’s Developing Divide The Asan Forum’s introductory Topics of the Month article on the present state of Northeast Asian strategic competition and regionalism by Sergey Radchenko shares much in common with this article. The authors summarized in Multilateralism in Northeast Asia I contend that: 1) there are developing geostrategic divides in Northeast Asia just as the Cold War […] Malcolm Cook ASEAN rebalancing , developing divide , foreign direct investment , FTAs , maritime-continental divide , multilateralism , Regionalism , Southeast Asia
Jul 19,2013 Special Forum Is an Economic Cold War Emerging in Asia? For the past 35 years, as China’s economic development accelerated in the post-Mao period, US policy towards the Asia-Pacific was aimed at fostering an environment that would gradually integrate China into the international order. Such a policy was intended to give Beijing incentives to play by a common set of rules, allow the United States […] Scott W. Harold Beijing Consensus , FTAs , Investment , New Cold War , TPP , Trade , Washington Consensus