Sep 02,2014 Topics of the Month Civilizational Divides and Regional Confrontations – 2 Unlike previous Topics of the Month, this one will have multiple authors as well as rejoinders. The idea for it arose from Francois Godement’s observations that the European powers are not much interested in becoming involved in the maritime struggles between China and its neighbors or in the North Korean nuclear crisis. Unlike the era […] Gilbert Rozman Asia , China , Economic dependence , Europe , France , G7 sanctions , international community , Japan , National identity , National security
Feb 07,2014 National Commentaries The Iran Nuclear Deal and Its Implications for North Korea "Prospects for a North Korean Nuclear Deal" Iran and North Korea pursue the same ultimate goal: nuclear armament. However, they have chosen fundamentally different strategies and approaches. There are also stark differences in the legal regimes governing their nuclear activities, levels of commitment of stakeholders to halt and roll back the respective nuclear programs of […] Chun Yungwoo* confidence-building measures , existential issue , international community , Iran , legal regimes , military option , strategic calculus