Jul 31,2015 Special Forum Malaysia’s “Special Relationship” with China and the South China Sea: Not So Special Anymore MMEA Bombardier 415 Surveillance Flight over South Luconia Shoal, where Chinese Coast Guard Ships are reported to have established a permanent presence. June 2015 (Facebook) On June 2, 2015, Minister Shahidan bin Kassim held a press conference to announce an “intrusion” by a foreign vessel in the South Luconia Shoals (Beting Patinggi Ali, in Malay). […] Scott Bentley Malaysia , Reclamation , Regionalism , South Luconia Shoals , UNCLOS
Oct 15,2014 Open Forum Can Indonesia Fulfill Its Aspirations to Regional Leadership? There is much talk today about Indonesia’s rise and aspirations to regional leadership as a middle power. Supporters of this proposition often cite a raft of facts and statistics to validate this claim: Indonesia’s impressive economic growth rates in recent years (averaging 6 percent) relative to other Asian countries, its young population and vibrant democracy, […] Liow Joseph Chinyong* ASEAN Security Community , Bali Democracy Forum , Cambodia , Indo-Pacific Treaty , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , regional leadership , Singapore , Thailand
Oct 15,2014 Open Forum Malaysia-China Relations after MH370: Policy Change or Business as Usual? Malaysia and China have seen one of the most cordial and productive relationships in the Asia-Pacific throughout the post-Cold War era, one with implications beyond their bilateral ties. Despite their rocky past during the Cold War due to ideological and political problems, bilateral relations have undergone a transformation since their rapprochement in 1974, evolving from […] Kuik Cheng-Chwee* ASEAN , flight MH370 , hedging , Malaysia , Philippines , PLA navy , South China Sea , threat perceptions , tourism , Trade
Oct 01,2014 Topics of the Month Comparative Southeast Asian Military Modernization – 1 Southeast Asia’s military modernization over the last half decade has been impressive. Defense expenditures across the region have risen, on average, by nine percent each year since 2009, but the region’s countries have not been uniform in their approaches. The degree to which those countries with maritime interests have modernized their militaries appears to be […] Felix K. Chang Arms sales , code of conduct , defense expenditures , Indonesia , long-term commitment , Malaysia , maritime interests , Philippines , territorial ambitions , Vietnam
May 23,2014 National Commentaries State of the Rebalance This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Thomas Hubbard Combined Command , enhanced defense cooperation agreement , Malaysia , Philippines , proliferation security initiative , territorial claims , TPP , Vietnam rebalance
Mar 25,2014 National Commentaries President Obama and Japan-South Korean Relations This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Sheila A. Smith Kono Statement , Malaysia , Nuclear Security Summit , Philippines , TPP , Visiting Forces Agreement , wartime compensation