Dec 28,2016 Review Article NBR’s Strategic Asia Volumes at the End of an Era Ashley J. Tellis, Abraham M. Denmark, and Greg Chaffin, eds., Strategic Asia 2014-15, US Alliances and Partnerships at the Center of Global Power (Seattle & Washington, DC: The National Bureau of Asian Research, 2014); Ashley J. Tellis with Alison Szalwinski and Michael Wills, eds., Foundations of National Power in the Asia-Pacific (Seattle & Washington, DC: […] Gilbert Rozman ASEAN , Australia , burden-sharing , comfort women , Duterte , GSOMIA , India , Indo-Pacific , Indonesia , Maritime Silk Road
Nov 01,2016 Special Forum Synopsis of the Seoul Forum for International Affairs, September 23, 2016 In the early autumn of 2016, there were repeated seminars and exchanges in Seoul and Washington, DC on three interrelated topics: how to respond effectively to the North Korean threat, how to manage Sino-US relations with North Korea more than the South China Sea in the forefront, and how South Korea should reassert its drive […] Editorial Staff 4th nuclear test , 5th nuclear test , ASEAN , East Asia Summit , Eurasia Economic Union , G2 , Maritime security , Maritime Silk Road , Nordpolitik , offshore balancing
Oct 20,2016 Open Forum One Belt, One Road: A New Roadmap for a Sinocentric World? Nele Noesselt1 Chair for Chinese Politics, University of Duisburg-Essen In May 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China jointly issued a document entitled “Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road,” a […] Nele Noesselt China Dream , harmonious world , Maritime Silk Road , Multipolarity , New Silk Road , One Belt One Road , Silk Road Economic Belt , Sinocentrism , Tianxia
Feb 22,2016 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2016) At the end of 2015 and the start of 2016, Chinese journal articles were assessing the foreign policy of South Korea to North Korea and Japan in fast-changing conditions, the impact of the Japan-US guidelines as this alliance was strengthening, and the Silk Road proposals’ prospects with both Russia and India deemed important for future […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) Japanese expansion , Maritime Silk Road , North Korean nuclear program , US containment
May 12,2015 Country Reports Country Report: China (April 2015) In Waijiao pinglun, no. 2, Xiong Lili and Pan Yu analyze Russia’s predicament in Europe, discerning elements of both continuity and discontinuity in the Ukrainian situation. In order to contain Ukraine after its decision in February 2014 to sign the agreement with the European Union to “leave Russia, enter Europe,” Russia with military force annexed […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) AIIB , Maritime Silk Road , New Cold War , Sino-Japanese Relations , US strategic encirclement
Feb 27,2015 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2015) An article by Zhong Feiteng in Waijiao pinglun describes China’s new Asian strategy. It observes that Europe has been the geopolitical center and Asia the periphery, and Great Britain and the United States have reigned as the leaders of the international system. With China and India rising, in the 21st century Asia is becoming the […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) ASEAN , Cool Japan , Indo-Pacific strategy , Korean wave , Maritime Silk Road , Peaceful Development , Ukraine
Jan 27,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (January 2015) Russian publications have had to react to an unexpectedly difficult environment at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015. Counting on increasing polarization in the Asia-Pacific region, they observed Xi Jinping soften his opposition to the United States in meeting with Barack Obama in November. Intending to separate troubles in Europe from aspirations […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) BRICS , FTAAP , India , Look East policy , Maritime Silk Road , TPP
Dec 15,2014 Open Forum Looking Eastward to China: Beijing’s Central Asian Diplomacy and its Implications for China’s New Silk Road Initiatives During a meeting with the presidents of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Pakistan on November 8, 2014, President Xi Jinping announced that China was contributing 40 billion dollars to establish a Silk Road Fund (silu jijin 丝路基金) to strengthen regional connectivity and enhance cooperation with neighboring countries. According to Xinhua news agency, the fund […] Hasan H. Karrar Bazaar , Central Asia , economic connectivity , informal economy , Maritime Silk Road , Silk Road Economic Belt
Aug 11,2014 Open Forum What to Make of Xi Jinping’s Vision for Asian Security? In May 2014, presidents Obama and Xi both gave important national security addresses. At West Point, Obama presented a broad vision for the future of US global leadership, where he stated that the United States, “from Europe to Asia,” remains the “hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations.”1 In Shanghai, speaking at a […] Joel Wuthnow CICA , major venue diplomacy , Maritime Silk Road , New Silk Road , peripheral diplomacy , SCO , vision for Asian security