Apr 15,2014 Topics of the Month Sino-US Relations – 4 Assessing US-China Relations: How We Should Not Misread China? On March 25, 2014, President Xi Jinping met President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the third Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague. Xi’s remark on bringing the best regards of Michele Obama to her husband prompted a knowing laugh from the US president, but […] Wang Dong* ADIZ , freedom of navigation , Philippines , Ren'ai Reef , self-righteousness , South China Sea , vital US interests
Mar 25,2014 National Commentaries President Obama and Japan-South Korean Relations This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Sheila A. Smith Kono Statement , Malaysia , Nuclear Security Summit , Philippines , TPP , Visiting Forces Agreement , wartime compensation
Feb 21,2014 Topics of the Month Sino-US Relations – 2 United States Pushes Back Against Chinese Assertiveness; Xi Urges Dialogue Carefully sequenced statements by Obama administration officials in late January and February pushed back against Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea and other maritime disputes, taking Sino-American competition to a new stage. America’s measured resolve adds to circumstances that work against overall success in […] Robert Sutter ADIZ , domestic concerns , interdependence , Kerry , Medeiros , Philippines , Russel , South China Sea , Southeast Asia , Xi Jinping