Jun 25,2019 Special Forum Myanmar’s Democratic Backsliding in the Struggle for National Identity and Independence When Myanmar’s ruling military junta transitioned to a nominally civilian government in 2011, observers around the world asked whether one of Asia’s most repressive regimes was finally breaking with its authoritarian past. In 2015, the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) swept the general elections, winning the majority in the national assembly (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) from […] Jonathan T. Chow , Leif-Eric Easley Aung San Suu Kyi , Autonomy , China , citizenship , civil-military relations , democratic transition , ethnic nationalism , human rights , Rohingya , Rule of law
Jun 30,2016 Special Forum Regional Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacific: What Role for the EU? Ever since the financial crisis crept from the United States to Europe in 2008, we have observed change in the international system, in general, and in Asia, in particular, which, in turn, has global repercussions with the re-emergence of China. Change follows change, adding to complexity: while China’s role as the economic power house was […] Michael Reiterer CBM , CICA , EAS , EU-China Connectivity , Global Strategy , Hegemon , Multipolarity , Revisionist foreign policy , Rule of law
Oct 15,2015 Special Forum Xi Jinping’s Impact on China’s Legal Development: Domestic and International When Xi Jinping came to the United States for a state visit in September 2015, questions about China’s posture toward the rule of law, domestically and internationally, were scattered across Washington’s agenda. The perennial question of human rights had again become an urgent and law-related concern, with the crackdown on rights protection lawyers in mid-2015, […] Jacques deLisle Legalist repression , National identity , Rule of law , Top-down government , UNCLOS