Jul 29,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (July 2015) Russian publications have turned decisively to the establishment of a new world order opposed to US-led “vertical globalization.” It centers on Asia, capitalizing on North Korea to influence South Korea’s choices, assuming close Sino-Russian ties at the core of the new order, and envisioning the BRICS and SCO summits as building blocks. Contemptuous of the […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) BRICS , Economic Relations , North Korea , Regionalism , SCO , US-Sino rivalry
Jun 23,2015 Country Reports Country Report: China (June 2015) In Heping yu Fazhan, no. 2, 2015, Li Hongcai and Yang Guanghai took a broad view of security in Asia, citing Xi Jinping’s May 21, 2014 statement on the contours of such thinking. Xi had called on Asian countries to discard traditional thinking and forge new types of security relations. Recognizing that security in the […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Dong Jiaxin*) constructivism , SCO , Sino-ROK Relations , Sino-US Relations
May 18,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (May 2015) Preparations for the May 9 Victory Day celebrations showcased Russia’s relations in Asia more than in Europe despite the fact that May 9 has long been recognized as V-E (victory in Europe) Day. While Kim Jong-un was expected until he suddenly had a change of plans, Xi Jinping was clearly the guest of honor. Articles […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) EEC , SCO , Silk Road Economic Belt , Ukraine
Aug 11,2014 Open Forum What to Make of Xi Jinping’s Vision for Asian Security? In May 2014, presidents Obama and Xi both gave important national security addresses. At West Point, Obama presented a broad vision for the future of US global leadership, where he stated that the United States, “from Europe to Asia,” remains the “hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations.”1 In Shanghai, speaking at a […] Joel Wuthnow CICA , major venue diplomacy , Maritime Silk Road , New Silk Road , peripheral diplomacy , SCO , vision for Asian security
Jul 25,2014 National Commentaries US Perspective "Sino-Russian Relations" The Ukraine Crisis and the Future of Sino-Russian Relations President Vladimir Putin has described the improvement of relations with Beijing as one of his major foreign policy accomplishments. While this rapprochement has had concrete economic and political benefits, Russia tended to view relations with China instrumentally, using China as a “card” to […] Jeffrey Mankoff Anti-Western sentiment , Arms sales , Central Asia , CICA , Eurasian Union , financial sanctions , gas pipeline , naval maneuvers , revisionist axis , SCO
Jul 25,2014 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (July 2014) New Russian articles suggest that South Korea’s foreign policy is more intriguing than previously anticipated. Explaining that there is talk today of forging a new system of global governance, an article in the June issue of Mezhdunarodnaia zhizn’ argues that the responsibility is rising for South Korea, with its important interests in the geopolitics and […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) Gas deal , global governance , New Cold War , New Silk Road , SCO , Sino-Russian alliance , soft integration , threat from the West , Trustpolitik , Ukraine
Nov 22,2013 Special Forum China-Russia Relations in Central Asia China-Russia relations in Central Asia are attracting increasing attention from scholars and policymakers. Most analysis thus far, however, has employed the competition framework in examining this relationship. In contrast to these studies, this article argues that since the independence of Central Asia, the relationship between the two great powers in the region has been predominantly […] Zhao Huasheng* economic integration , limited competition , mutual strategic interests , natural resources , rules of the game , SCO , Silk Route Economic Zone , the US factor
Oct 04,2013 Country Reports Country Report: China (October 2013) Chinese writings on international relations in the Asia-Pacific region continue to be the most prolific and informative in comparison to Japanese, Korean, and Russian writings. Despite censorship and huge gaps in the analysis, there is a lot of interesting material. In recent weeks coverage of each of the principal bilateral relations in the region has […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Pang Zengjun) Bipolarity , economic regionalims , equal dialogue with US , India , Japan’s threat , North Korean buffer , Park Geun-hye , SCO , seapower , Shinzo Abe