Jun 06,2020 Special Forum Soft Power and Sharp Power: The View from Australia Australians of late have been shocked by the unravelling of US soft power globally and China’s offensive use of sharp power targeting their country. At issue is the prospect of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific upheld by the norms and institutions of a liberal rules-based order. This matters because, while Australia is partly dependent on […] John Fitzgerald COVID-19 , free and open Indo-Pacific , Sharp power , soft power , the Quad , United Front
Jun 18,2018 Open Forum Authoritarian Sharp Power: Comparing China and Russia The notion and practices of “sharp power” are increasingly grabbing our attention. This is so as the ascent of sharp power is taking place amidst the recent retreat of liberalism, and as authoritarian states, China and Russia in particular, vigorously attempt to expand their influence across the globe, utilizing any available means of power, whether […] Kim Taehwan* “Russian World" , China Dream , disinformation warfare , Eurasianism , foreign political influence operations , Sharp power , soft power
Apr 24,2018 Special Forum Introduction This issue’s Special Forum consists of four articles on individual cases—New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and South Korea. This introduction covers the single-country articles, comparing the four cases, while it also looks broadly at the nature of such interference, reaching beyond Chinese intrusive activities to focus on them as examples of “sharp power,” a contrast to […] Gilbert Rozman hard power , Sharp power , Smart power , soft power , United Front , Xi Jinping
Jan 27,2014 Review Article Chinese Books on Japanese and Korean Images of China Wu Guangwei, Riben de Zhongguo xingxiang [How Japan Views China] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 2010) Dong Xiangrong, Wang Xiaoleng, Li Yongchun, Hanguoren xinmuzhong de Zhongguo xingxiang [How the Koreans View China] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 2011) Liang Yunxiang, Riben waijiao yu Zhongri guanxi [Foreign Policy and Sino-Japanese Relations] (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2012) Liu Jiangyong, et. al, […] Gilbert Rozman image control , media bias , public opinion , right wing ideology , soft power , views of China
Jan 25,2014 Open Forum Australia’s Relations with China in Turbulence The new Australian government got off to a rocky start in its relations with China. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop drew China’s ire just 16 days after the new coalition government headed by Tony Abbott was sworn in on September 18, 2013. In a joint statement following a Trilateral Strategic Dialogue with the foreign ministers of […] Linda Jakobson image control , media bias , public opinion , right wing ideology , soft power , views of China
Nov 22,2013 Topics of the Month The China Dream – 5 The highly anticipated Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee was held in Beijing on November 9-12. The Chinese leadership had sent strong signals that this Third Plenum would be comparable to the famed Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee in December 1978, which adopted reform and opening and profoundly changed China. […] Ming Wan civil society , soft power , State Security Committee , Third Plenum , Xi Jinping