Mar 31,2015 National Commentaries A Chinese Perspective "Missile Defense on the Korean Peninsula" Why Is China Unhappy with the Deployment of THAAD in the ROK? On March 16, 2015 during his visit to South Korea, Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao in talks with his counterparts reiterated China’s concern on the possible deployment of US THAAD in South Korea.1 Taking into […] Teng Jianqun* Strategic Encirclement , THAAD , X-Band radar
Jul 19,2013 Special Forum National Identity and Changing Great Power Relations in the Asia-Pacific: Is a Cold War Emerging? International relations in the Asia-Pacific have long been driven and dominated by great power politics. Despite the growing significance of smaller nations and regional organizations in East Asian affairs, the great powers remain the key actors in shaping the regional security environment. Arguably, China, the United States, and Japan are the most influential powers in […] Rex Li Democratic Peace Theory , Global Financial Crisis , Japan as a Normal Power , Maritime Power , New Cold War , Strategic Encirclement