Oct 15,2014 Open Forum Malaysia-China Relations after MH370: Policy Change or Business as Usual? Malaysia and China have seen one of the most cordial and productive relationships in the Asia-Pacific throughout the post-Cold War era, one with implications beyond their bilateral ties. Despite their rocky past during the Cold War due to ideological and political problems, bilateral relations have undergone a transformation since their rapprochement in 1974, evolving from […] Kuik Cheng-Chwee* ASEAN , flight MH370 , hedging , Malaysia , Philippines , PLA navy , South China Sea , threat perceptions , tourism , Trade
Oct 15,2014 Open Forum Synopsis of the Asan Institute-Pacific Forum CSIS Conference on US-Japan-ROK Trilateral Relations This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 J. Berkshire Miller contingency planning , cornerstone and linchpin , energy security , Japanese Abductees , Park-Xi Summit , public opinion , threat perceptions
Jul 11,2014 Topics of the Month India’s New Leadership and East Asia – 2 Protracted Contest: India-China Relations in the 21st Century The history of Indian foreign policy and Sino-Indian relations suggests that India will not concede to live under Chinese dominion in a unipolar Asia. John Garver is correct to point out that the success of national revitalization policies by Narendra Modi in India and Abe Shinzo in […] Daniel Twining exceptionalism , external balancing , India , military budgets , Modi , threat perceptions
Nov 22,2013 Review Article New South Korean Academic Writings on Contemporary Japan and Japanese-Korean Relations South Korean academic writings of 2013 provide a useful window through which students of Japan worldwide can observe Japan and Japanese-Korean relations. So far this year, I found that six books have been published on Japan and Japanese-Korean relations, as well as six articles in the two most prestigious journals of political science (The Korean […] Kim Jiyoung* Abe Shinzo , comfort women , lack of common goals , military power , threat perceptions