Oct 12,2020 Open Forum Washington Insights, Vol. 8, No. 5 Leadership change was on peoples’ minds in the late summer and early fall of 2020. What would a Biden administration do differently from Trump in the Indo-Pacific region? How does the departure of Abe Shinzo impact Japan’s foreign policy, given his personalized relations with the leaders in the US, China, Russia, and India as well […] Editorial Staff COVID-19 , Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , US-China rivalry , Yoshihide Suga
Oct 12,2020 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (October 2020) With Abe Shinzo’s decision to resign for health reasons at the end of August, discussion turned quickly to his legacy, including in international relations. One position was that he transformed Japanese politics, hollowing them out for foreign and domestic decision-making. He not only had been obsessed with amending the Constitution, he violated it with impunity, […] Editorial Staff "Belt and Road" Initiative , Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Northern Territories , Senkakus , US-China rivalry , Yoshihide Suga
Oct 08,2020 Special Forum Introduction In the early autumn of 2020, when Joe Biden was leading decisively in the polls, many in the Indo-Pacific region were reflecting on what his policy would be to China, Japan, India, and the region more broadly. Would he break sharply from Donald Trump’s approach? Would he revert to the Obama administration’s policies? Are there […] Gilbert Rozman Donald Trump , Joe Biden , Narendra Modi , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping , Yoshihide Suga
Oct 08,2020 Special Forum Contemplating US Policy on China and the Indo-Pacific: Some Thoughts regarding a Possible Biden Administration By most accounts, the last four years have been something of a sea change in US foreign policy. During this time, the US has stepped back from its familiar leadership role in several multilateral initiatives, cast aspersions at global governance efforts, flirted with dictators and authoritarian regimes more openly and brazenly than ever in the […] Amanda Trea Phua , Liow Joseph Chinyong* COVID-19 , Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Hong Kong , Joe Biden , Taiwan , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping , Xinjiang
Oct 07,2020 Special Forum Anticipating Japan’s Attitudes toward the US President in 2021 Japan has a very practical view on who the US president is. Throughout the postwar period, Japan’s national interest and security have been protected and advanced by the US-Japan security alliance. Its centrality will remain the same for the foreseeable future-just a reflection of geopolitical realities. Japan has to get along and deal with the […] Akimoto Satohiro Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Kamala Harris , Narendra Modi , Quad , US-China rivalry
Oct 07,2020 Special Forum Sustaining the Momentum in the Indo-Pacific: The US Presidential Elections and Priorities for Indo-US ties When asked about bipartisan support for the Indo-US relationship, India’s Foreign Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar said, “[T]hink back at the last four American Presidents. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W Bush, and Bill Clinton. I’m sure you’d agree with me, you can’t find four people in the world less similar to each other, right, and […] Shruti Pandalai Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Kamala Harris , Narendra Modi , Quad , US-China rivalry
Oct 05,2020 Open Forum Weighed in the Balance: Abe’s Legacy of Searching for Supplementary Security Partners The lives of Japanese diplomats and security planners were simpler in the old days. During the Cold War, Tokyo’s priority was to monitor the activities of Soviet aircraft and naval vessels in the vicinity of Japan, and to prepare to resist a hypothetical invasion from the north. Matters were made easier by the fact that, […] James D.J. Brown Abe Shinzo , Cold War , CPTPP , free and open Indo-Pacific , Quad , Self Defense Forces , Suga Yoshihide , US-China rivalry
Sep 25,2020 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (September 2020) Russians faced at least five Indo-Pacific regional challenges in the late summer of 2020, most of which were not being discussed forthrightly. No doubt the one looming in the forefront was the deterioration of relations between China and India, as their border in the Himalayas saw a large military build-up after a serious clash. As […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) "Belt and Road" Initiative , Abe Shinzo , One China policy , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Taiwan , US-China rivalry
Sep 02,2020 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (September 2020) In the summer of 2020 foreign policy was largely on hold. The pandemic effect, the wait for US elections, and the relative caution shown by North Korea unwilling to alienate Donald Trump even if it could lash out at Moon Jae-in’s inaction, all left policy choices in limbo. Ties to Japan remained deeply troubled, although […] Sanghwa Hong OPCON transfer , Paik Sun-yup , Special Measures Agreement , US-China rivalry , Yang Jiechi
Aug 31,2020 Country Reports Country Report: China (August 2020) In the summer of 2020, Chinese analysts continued to grapple with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the future of multilateralism and globalization. They questioned whether the pandemic would accelerate existing competitive and nationalist trends or serve as a turning point toward a more cooperative international environment. They also assessed US opposition to China’s […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) "Belt and Road" Initiative , COVID-19 , Digital Silk Road , free and open Indo-Pacific , US-China rivalry , US-China-Russia Triangle