Oct 12,2015 National Commentaries The Japanese Perspective "The Challenge for Park’s Summit with Obama after Abe’s Summit." The most important factor we need to consider in directing our attention in East Asia to developments since Prime Minister Abe visited Washington is the change in relations between China, the rising superpower in the region, and the United States, the leading superpower defending […] Kazuhiko Togo Article 9 , CJK summit , National security , normal state , US security
Jul 31,2015 Special Forum The South China Sea Disputes: Some Blindspots and Misperceptions The South China Sea disputes have in recent years emerged as, arguably, the most contentious issue on the security agenda in Southeast Asia. Fueled by heated rhetoric, mutual distrust, perceptions and misperceptions, and nationalism, it has become the most extensively discussed subject in the literature on security challenges in Southeast Asia, with experts expressing different, […] Liow Joseph Chinyong* EEZ , intra-ASEAN disputes , Regionalism , UNCLOS , US security