Jun 30,2016 Special Forum Regional Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacific: What Role for the EU? Ever since the financial crisis crept from the United States to Europe in 2008, we have observed change in the international system, in general, and in Asia, in particular, which, in turn, has global repercussions with the re-emergence of China. Change follows change, adding to complexity: while China’s role as the economic power house was […] Michael Reiterer CBM , CICA , EAS , EU-China Connectivity , Global Strategy , Hegemon , Multipolarity , Revisionist foreign policy , Rule of law
May 26,2016 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (May 2016) Implementation of Sanctions against North Korea Chun Young-woo opined in the March 25 DongA Ilbo that rigorous implementation is the key to denuclearization of the North. Chun says even such tight implementation would take more than a year until the North changed its behavior and agreed to abandon its nuclear weapons program. Though the Security […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) CICA , Economic sanctions , non-proliferation , Resolution 2270 , THAAD
Aug 11,2014 Open Forum What to Make of Xi Jinping’s Vision for Asian Security? In May 2014, presidents Obama and Xi both gave important national security addresses. At West Point, Obama presented a broad vision for the future of US global leadership, where he stated that the United States, “from Europe to Asia,” remains the “hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations.”1 In Shanghai, speaking at a […] Joel Wuthnow CICA , major venue diplomacy , Maritime Silk Road , New Silk Road , peripheral diplomacy , SCO , vision for Asian security
Aug 11,2014 Open Forum The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: A Fading Star? The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) stands at a pivotal point in its history. On the one hand, the growing ties between Russia and China as well as the withdrawal of the Western powers from Central Asia and Afghanistan could provide it with more cohesive leadership and more opportunities to become Eurasia’s dominant security institution. On […] Richard Weitz Afghanistan , Central Asia , CICA , CSTO , energy , Eurasian Union , mutual reassurance , security threats , Ukraine
Jul 25,2014 National Commentaries US Perspective "Sino-Russian Relations" The Ukraine Crisis and the Future of Sino-Russian Relations President Vladimir Putin has described the improvement of relations with Beijing as one of his major foreign policy accomplishments. While this rapprochement has had concrete economic and political benefits, Russia tended to view relations with China instrumentally, using China as a “card” to […] Jeffrey Mankoff Anti-Western sentiment , Arms sales , Central Asia , CICA , Eurasian Union , financial sanctions , gas pipeline , naval maneuvers , revisionist axis , SCO
Jul 25,2014 National Commentaries Chinese Perspective "Sino-Russian Relations" My View on Contemporary China-Russia Relations Since the beginning of 2014, the Ukrainian crisis has become the hottest international issue, captivating public attention from around the world. It is fair to say that the Ukrainian conflict has been one of the major crises in international relations since the end of the Cold […] Feng Yujun* BRICS , CICA , Gas deal , informal alliance , pivot to Asia , Ukraine