Jul 02,2020 Open Forum Forecasting Synergies in Chinese and Russia Digital Influence Operations Amid the global pandemic that has wreaked havoc on countries around the world, China and Russia’s digital influence campaigns are converging. Several accounts of China’s information operations have noted the incorporation of Russian tactics. Yet the full significance of this development cannot be understood without appreciating the broader alignment between Russia and China. In other […] Kristine Lee , Kendall-Taylor Andrea color revolutions , COVID-19 , discourse power , Hong Kong , influence operation , information warfare , United Front
Oct 24,2018 Special Forum The Mediating Role of National Identity in Democratization and Lessons from Post-Cold War Foreign Policy in Northeast Asia Trade wars and security clashes are in the forefront across greater Asia, but we would be remiss to overlook the intensifying struggle over democratization as a factor in international relations. On the one side is China backed by Russia, both intent on foiling not only “color revolutions,” but also democratic processes in general. On the […] Gilbert Rozman color revolutions , Confucianism , free and open Indo-Pacific , Primorskii Krai , Russocentrism , Sinocentrism
Dec 20,2016 Country Reports Country Report: China (December 2016) During the fall of 2016, Chinese experts continued to evaluate Sino-Russian and Sino-US relations. They drew attention to Japan’s “Taiwan faction,” assessed strengthening Japanese-Australian relations, and analyzed South Korea’s foreign relations strategy. They also considered the negative impact of local NGOs on China’s ability to complete various One Belt, One Road (OBOR) projects. Written before […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) Abe Shinzo , ASEAN , Asia pivot , Australia , Balance of power , BRICS , color revolutions , Diaoyu islands , East China Sea , energy
Jul 11,2014 Topics of the Month Multilateralism in Northeast Asia – 2 No one has profited more from the decline of multilateralism in East Asia than North Korea. Russia’s international isolation and China’s simmering confrontation with Japan over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands have given Kim Jong-un much greater breathing space than his father and grandfather had had at any time since the late 1980s. In recent weeks […] Sergey Radchenko Central Asia , color revolutions , Eurasian Union vs. new silk road , islands to Japan , polarization vs. multilateralism , Putin-Xi summit , ROK promise to Russia , unequal trade