Jan 25,2014 Special Forum National Identity Frameworks and International Relations in Asia As the strategic significance of Asia increases with the region’s economic and diplomatic influence, and as analyses broaden in geographic scope by devoting greater attention to India and Southeast Asia in addition to the traditional players in Northeast Asia, growing uncertainty complicates the region’s prospects for maintaining peace and extending prosperity. In particular, tensions […] Leif-Eric Easley geopolitical humiliation , historical reconciliation , infographics , multiculturalism , non-alignment , six dimensions
Nov 22,2013 Special Forum Introduction to Special Forum on Sino-Russian Relations in Triangular Context The year 2013 is memorable for the increasing liveliness of discussions about the future of Sino-Russian relations. When Xi Jinping made his first visit as president in March to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, whose posture in starting his third term as president was decidedly more critical of the United States, interest was mounting in […] Editorial Staff Alliance , ASEAN , Eurasian Union , infographics , Multipolarity , triangularity
Oct 07,2013 Special Forum Introduction to Special Forum on Strategic Thinking about North Korea North Korea has been discussed widely, especially since Kim Jong-un took the reins after Kim Jong-il’s death. Yet, not often is it considered to be a subject of comparative strategic thought. The preoccupation with North Korean thinking, as hard as that may be to discern, and US thinking often leaves insufficient room for attention to […] Editorial Staff Denuclearization , infographics , Putin’s pivot , regional balance of power , Reunification , Sino-US cooperation , Sinocentrism , testing US alliances , triangles
Jul 19,2013 Special Forum A New Cold War? Introduction to the July Special Forum With this first issue of The Asan Forum, we post our first Special Forum, five articles that address different aspects of a single overarching theme on Asian international relations. Each Special Forum will have an introduction, identifying common themes in the articles and pointing to some comparisons of their findings. Rather than five unrelated writings, […] Editorial Staff infographics , New Cold War