Aug 12,2014 Topics of the Month Multilateralism in Northeast Asia – 3 One of the main difficulties in my discussion of Russian foreign policy in Asia—indirectly alluded to in Elizabeth Wishnick’s comments—is a sense of uncertainty about Russia’s direction. While my analysis registers the undeniable closing of ranks between Beijing and Moscow, I fall short of proclaiming the death of multilateralism and highlight sources of tension between […] Sergey Radchenko Alliance , colored revolutions , polarization , Vladimir Putin , Xi Jinping
Nov 22,2013 Special Forum Introduction to Special Forum on Sino-Russian Relations in Triangular Context The year 2013 is memorable for the increasing liveliness of discussions about the future of Sino-Russian relations. When Xi Jinping made his first visit as president in March to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, whose posture in starting his third term as president was decidedly more critical of the United States, interest was mounting in […] Editorial Staff Alliance , ASEAN , Eurasian Union , infographics , Multipolarity , triangularity