Jan 20,2020 Special Forum The Case of Abe Shinzo On November 20, 2019, Abe Shinzo became the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history, at 2,887 days, surpassing the previous record held by Katsura Tarō in the early 1900s. If Abe serves out his current third three-year term, he will be in office until September 2021. Inclusive of his one-year tenure in 2006-2007, he will […] Glen S. Fukushima Abe Shinzo , Abenomics , comfort women , Kantei , Liberal Democratic Party , Northern Territories , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Oct 26,2017 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective Whether he admits it or not, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s debt of gratitude to DPRK chairman Kim Jong-un is far-reaching—regarding Japanese domestic politics, relations with the United States, relations with South Korea, and perhaps even the future of Japan’s Constitution. First, both the timing and results of the 48th Japanese House of Representatives election of […] Glen S. Fukushima Abe Shinzo , Constitution , Diet , Donald Trump , Komeito , Liberal Democratic Party
Aug 18,2015 Review Article ‘Ukeikasuru Nihon seiji’ (‘Japan’s Politics Leaning to the Right’) Nakano Koichi, Ukeikasuru Nihon seiji (Japan’s Politics Leaning to the Right), (Tokyo: Iwanami Shinsho, 2015) On the day when the “Abe statement” in commemoration of the seventieth anniversary of the end of WWII is issued, this review article considers one Japanese critic’s analysis of what lies behind the statement. After all, Abe is but the […] Gilbert Rozman Kokkashugi , Liberal Democratic Party , National identity , National security , Revisionism