Jun 29,2017 Special Forum Moon Jae-in’s “Two-track” Japan Policy: Prospects for Success President Moon Jae-in and his new government, launched immediately after the election results on May 9, 2017, is taking a “two-track” strategy towards Japan. For example, Moon Hee-sang, deputy chair of the National Assembly and former chair of the Japan-South Korea Dietmen’s League, who headed the special envoy team to Japan, mentioned on his way […] Lee Myon-woo comfort women , GSOMIA , Moon Jae-in , Revisionism , THAAD , Two-track policy
Aug 29,2016 Special Forum Japanese views of Korean history For many Japanese, Korean history—including the history of South Korean ties to the outside world—is viewed through the lens of the country’s modern relations with Japan. Whether looking at the ups and downs of diplomacy, the competition for the favor of US administrations, or the prospect of cooperation on regionalism, Japanese often seem preoccupied with […] Alexis Dudden comfort women , Dokdo/Takeshima , history problems" , Kono Declaration , Revisionism , ryodo , textbooks , Yasukuni
Aug 29,2016 Special Forum Chinese views of Japanese history Sino-Japanese relations have been on a downswing in recent years, despite resumed meetings between the leaders Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo since late 2014. Strategic and territorial differences over the East and South China Seas have exacerbated the sharp divisions over history that long plagued their relationship. While some may argue that geopolitics is the […] Jin Linbo East China Sea , militarism , Revisionism , South China Sea , Twenty-One Demands , WWII , Yasukuni
Aug 18,2015 Review Article ‘Ukeikasuru Nihon seiji’ (‘Japan’s Politics Leaning to the Right’) Nakano Koichi, Ukeikasuru Nihon seiji (Japan’s Politics Leaning to the Right), (Tokyo: Iwanami Shinsho, 2015) On the day when the “Abe statement” in commemoration of the seventieth anniversary of the end of WWII is issued, this review article considers one Japanese critic’s analysis of what lies behind the statement. After all, Abe is but the […] Gilbert Rozman Kokkashugi , Liberal Democratic Party , National identity , National security , Revisionism
Mar 10,2015 Open Forum Washington Insights: February 2015 Triangularity figured heavily in DC seminars over the first two months of 2015. With the United States and China standing at opposite ends, coverage ranged from ASEAN to India to South Korea to Japan. Russia and North Korea also entered the picture at times, adding to the array of triangles or, on occasion, introducing a […] Editorial Staff normal nation , Revisionism , ROK-Japan Relations , TPP
Feb 27,2015 Review Article ‘Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan’ [‘The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years’] Wakamiya Yoshibumi, Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan, [The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years] (Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun shuppan, December 25, 2014) In the face of an unrelenting onslaught of criticism from Japanese conservatives, the progressive side, led by Asahi Shimbun, continues to make its case. Unlike the era of the Cold War, […] Gilbert Rozman collective self-defense , conservatism , hereditary leadership , Revisionism , Shinzo Abe , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Realism vs. Revisionism in Abe’s Foreign Policy in 2014 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Gilbert Rozman comfort women , gaiatsu , history war , Revisionism , TPP , Xi-Abe summit , Yasukuni Shrine
Jan 12,2015 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (January 2015) Deepening confrontation between China-North Korea-Russia on one side and South Korea-the United States-Japan on the other was the center of discussion over the last two months. As the year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Korea-Japan relations and the 70th of Korea’s independence, how to overcome the stalled relationship gained weight. Park […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) Eurasia Initiative , human rights , Korean reunification , Revisionism , sanctions , Yasukuni Shrine
Oct 17,2014 Special Forum Japan’s Approach to Southeast Asia in the Context of Sino-Japanese Relations At times, since 2000, interest has piqued in Sino-Japanese competition—over Russia (rival proposals for an oil pipeline in the early 2000s), South Korea (maneuvering within ASEAN+3 and in the Six-Party Talks), and India (recently, as Abe Shinzo and Xi Jinping both are seeking upgraded ties to Narendra Modi)—, but the most intense, sustained rivalry has […] Gilbert Rozman Asian values , Asianism , Australia , East Asian Community , Fukuda Doctrine , India , Rebalancing , Regionalism , Revisionism , South China Sea
Jul 19,2013 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (July 2013) Country Report: Japan (with the assistance of Iwaki Shigeyuki) After Prime Minister Abe’s visit in February to the United States, Japanese sources have flitted from one problem to another in the surrounding region, but with one abiding concern: Is there a way to overcome a feeling that their country is under siege? Writings continue to […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Iwaki Shigeyuki*) Crisis of August 2012 , Japan-China Relations , Japan-South Korean Relations , Regionalism , Revisionism , Xi-Obama Summit , Xi-Park Summit