Aug 29,2016 Special Forum Chinese views of South Korean history On August 3, Beijing ribao depicted THAAD as not aimed at defending against North Korea, but rather splitting China from South Korea.1 On August 7, Huanqiu shibao depicted the visit of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Washington as Singapore joining in the US containment of China.2 China is rapidly adopting a polarized view of […] Gilbert Rozman China Dream , Cold War , communism , Koguryo , Korean War , Multipolarity , Northeast Project , regional order , Sinocentrism , Trustpolitik
May 23,2014 Special Forum ASEAN-led Multilateralism and Regional Order: The Great Power Bargain Deficit The post-Cold War East Asian and Asia-Pacific strategic landscape has been dominated by three factors: 1) the United States’ military preponderance underpinned by its hub-and-spokes San Francisco system of bilateral alliances; 2) China’s seemingly inexorable resurgence economically as well as diplomatically and militarily; and 3) the proliferation of multilateral regional dialogues, initiatives, and institutions, many […] Evelyn Goh ASEAN , great power bargain deficit , inclusivity , institution-racing , minimalist norms , multilateralism , regional order , restricted scope , small state voices