Aug 29,2016 Special Forum Japanese views of Korean history For many Japanese, Korean history—including the history of South Korean ties to the outside world—is viewed through the lens of the country’s modern relations with Japan. Whether looking at the ups and downs of diplomacy, the competition for the favor of US administrations, or the prospect of cooperation on regionalism, Japanese often seem preoccupied with […] Alexis Dudden comfort women , Dokdo/Takeshima , history problems" , Kono Declaration , Revisionism , ryodo , textbooks , Yasukuni
Jun 13,2014 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (June 2014) The most important event in Japanese foreign policy during this time period was the visit of Barack Obama to Tokyo in late April. Yomiuri shimbun showcased its success as it published a long interview with Obama on April 23 and trumpeted the success for Japanese foreign policy of Obama’s decision to declare unambiguously that the […] Editorial Staff Japanese Abductees , Southeast Asia Abe-Obama summit , state branding , territorial issues , textbooks , TPP , triangles , US election
Mar 07,2014 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (March 2014) Two themes have been in the forefront in Korean media coverage of international relations in the region: diplomacy related to reunification and ROK-Japan relations. The former was sparked by President Park’s New-Year Speech, saying “reunification is like hitting a jackpot (통일은 대박이다).” As two major powers also mentioned reunification (Secretary of State John Kerry touched […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) Dokdo/Takeshima , Germany , Germany Reunification , reunions , textbooks , two-Korea policy , UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights