Feb 19,2019 Special Forum The Sino-Russian-US Triangle and Northeast Asia: A View from Japan While there are various perspectives within Japan, here I set forth an individual viewpoint and analyze international politics as a long-time researcher of Russia. First, I couch my thinking in the context of today’s overall international situation and of a rough breakdown of the ongoing debate in Japan concerning the triangle and Japan’s ideal response. […] Hakamada Shigeki Aleksandr III , free and open Indo-Pacific , INF Treaty , NATO , Northern Territories , Senkaku Islands , TPP
Nov 15,2018 Open Forum Washington Insights Vol. 6, No. 6 North Korea had slipped into the background, US-Japan ties had lost some significance, and China loomed ever larger as the fall began in DC. Concern was raised that as trade and security tensions escalated, a wholesale evaluation would occur on both sides, leading to a cold war. What had been engagement laced with hedging was […] Editorial Staff Abe-Xi Summit , BRI , free and open Indo-Pacific , maximum pressure , Sharp power , TPP , Trump-Kim summit
Nov 08,2018 National Commentaries A View from Japan While the United States and China have fallen into a phase of confrontation, Abe Shinzo made the first official visit to China by a Japanese prime minister in seven years. Rows of Japanese national flags displayed in Tiananmen Square symbolized the rapprochement between Japan and China. Although Abe only stayed in Beijing for a little […] Takahara Akio* BRI , free and open Indo-Pacific , Peace and Friendship Treaty , Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands , Tiananmen Square , TPP
Nov 08,2018 National Commentaries A View from China Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s Beijing tour in October of 2018 went well. It is not just the first time a Japanese prime minister has returned to Beijing in 8 years. The significance is that after years of lingering tensions over the Diaoyu/Senkaku territorial fracture, the two sides are ultimately and realistically seeking a new phase […] Zhu Feng* BRI , China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship , Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands , free and open Indo-Pacific , RCEP , TPP
Aug 31,2018 Special Forum International Law in US-China Relations: Trade Wars and Maritime Rights in the Era of Xi and Trump In an increasingly fraught US-China relationship, issues of international law have become important in their own right and illustrative of broader patterns. A pair of particularly salient and illuminating arenas are trade (and related economic matters) and maritime rights (including related security issues, especially in the South China Sea). In each of these fields, the […] Jacques deLisle BRI , CPTPP , Made in China 2025 , RCEP , South China Sea , TPP , UNCLOS , WTO
Apr 19,2018 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2018) In early 2018, Chinese analysts assessed the Trump administration’s tariff policies and considered various countries’ policies toward North Korea. They considered the Trump administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy, China’s South China Sea policy, and the necessity of ensuring maritime security in Southeast Asia for achieving the Belt and Road Initiative. A Simmering China–US Trade War? In a […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) BRI , Indo-Pacific strategy , maximum pressure , TPP , US-China trade war
Feb 19,2018 Open Forum How and Why Japan Has Saved the TPP: From Trump Tower to Davos The Trump administration has employed “America First” as its defining electoral and governing slogan, viewing economic openness and globalization as harmful to US jobs and industrial competitiveness. It regards trade surpluses as evidence of winning and deficits as evidence of losing; the stated goal is consequently bilateral trade deals as the optimal approach to reduce […] Terada Takashi* Abenomics , America First , Japan-EU EPA , Japan-US FTA , RCEP , TPP , TPP-11
Jan 04,2018 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (December 2017) In late 2017, a succession of galvanizing themes dominated media coverage in Japan. At the beginning of November and again in mid-December, the media focused on Moon Jae-in’s turn toward China. Through much of November, it was Donald Trump’s travels to five countries in Asia, beginning with Japan. By early December, the focus had turned […] Editorial Staff North Korea , Russiagate , THAAD , TPP , Trump-Xi Summit , US-Japan FTA , US-ROK alliance
Jan 02,2018 National Commentaries A US Perspective During the Cold War, a polarized order prevailed in East Asia due to China’s switching sides. Some have predicted its return as China and Russia draw closer, away from the United States and Japan as they rally others behind an order that would contain these rival powers. The Obama approach, solidifying alliances and partnerships while […] Editorial Staff Abe Shinzo , Donald Trump , Indo-Pacific strategy , Moon Jae-in , Quad , THAAD , TPP
Jan 02,2018 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective The year 2017 was a time of quiet realignment in Asian-inter-state relations, as the balance between hedging and engagement was shifting. Trump’s policies to the region left US allies eyeing new partners, while Xi’s assertions of leadership—in the absence of pushback from the usual quarters—made it advisable to stay on China’s good side. Japan, as […] Gilbert Rozman Abe Shinzo , BRI , Donald Trump , Indo-Pacific strategy , TPP