Feb 10,2015 Open Forum Synopsis of Five-University Collaboration, Dec. 2014 Agenda: Five University Collaboration on East Asia Security Conflict & Cooperation File Download In mid-December, faculty and graduate students at five universities in five countries met again to exchange views on the state of security in East Asia. Prior conferences had produced thoughtful, constructive exchanges, but no reports were circulated on what they covered and […] Editorial Staff Obama-Xi Summit , Six-Party Talks , TPP , Trustpolitik
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Most Consequential Prime Minister since Yoshida Shigeru Introduction to Special Forum Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Most Consequential Prime Minister since Yoshida Shigeru The year 2015 promises to be a milestone in Japan’s transition from a defeated state remaining on the defensive over its history with a low strategic profile, to a proud and proactive force for the reorganization of Asia within the […] Editorial Staff Abenomics , comfort women , commemorations , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Assessing Abe’s Economic Agenda: Abenomics, TPP, and Domestic Politics It is premature to evaluate the success of Abenomics and TPP, two signature items of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo during his first two years in office, but it is possible to offer an update on his struggle with domestic opponents to make possible a breakthrough on both of these objectives. Looking back on the elections […] Terada Takashi* Abenomics , FTA , FTAAP , JA Zenchu , Shinzo Abe , TPP
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum US-Japan Relations under Abe Shinzo When Abe Shinzo became prime minister for a second time, the reaction in Washington was decidedly mixed. In both the Obama administration and the policy/intellectual community of Japan-watchers, two sets of expectations and two sets of concerns quickly emerged. The first expectation was that Abe would focus on reviving the Japanese economy, as he had […] Glen S. Fukushima Abenomics , Futenma base , Japan-US alliance , rebalance , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Realism vs. Revisionism in Abe’s Foreign Policy in 2014 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Gilbert Rozman comfort women , gaiatsu , history war , Revisionism , TPP , Xi-Abe summit , Yasukuni Shrine
Jan 27,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Russia (January 2015) Russian publications have had to react to an unexpectedly difficult environment at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015. Counting on increasing polarization in the Asia-Pacific region, they observed Xi Jinping soften his opposition to the United States in meeting with Barack Obama in November. Intending to separate troubles in Europe from aspirations […] Editorial Staff (with the assistance of Olga Puzanova) BRICS , FTAAP , India , Look East policy , Maritime Silk Road , TPP
Sep 29,2014 National Commentaries A South Korean Perspective "Reassessing the Park-Xi Summit" In recent months, pundits in Washington and Tokyo talk or insinuate quite a bit about the so-called “Seoul-in-the-China-orbit” thesis. From this author’s perspective, however, much of it has been blown out of proportion. Granted that, during the last year or so, it was common to hear that South Korea-China relations […] Chung Jae Ho* EEZ , missile defense , national interests. strategic suspicion , overblown expectations , TPP , track 1.5 meeting
Sep 12,2014 Topics of the Month Japanese Politics Concerning Collective Self-Defense – 2 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Hosoya Yuichi* collective self-defense , internationalists , isolationists , pacifism , public opinion , TPP , US-Japan alliance
Jun 13,2014 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (June 2014) The most important event in Japanese foreign policy during this time period was the visit of Barack Obama to Tokyo in late April. Yomiuri shimbun showcased its success as it published a long interview with Obama on April 23 and trumpeted the success for Japanese foreign policy of Obama’s decision to declare unambiguously that the […] Editorial Staff Japanese Abductees , Southeast Asia Abe-Obama summit , state branding , territorial issues , textbooks , TPP , triangles , US election
May 23,2014 National Commentaries State of the Rebalance This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Thomas Hubbard Combined Command , enhanced defense cooperation agreement , Malaysia , Philippines , proliferation security initiative , territorial claims , TPP , Vietnam rebalance