May 23,2014 Special Forum China’s Regionalism in Asia President Obama’s “tour around China” and China’s response that “China is right here whether he (Obama) comes or not”1 reflect a delicate US-China estrangement. The China-Japan Diaoyu Island dispute is further complicated by Prime Minister Abe’s Yasukuni Shrine visit, fanning the flames of nationalism. Is geopolitics returning to Asia, or has it never gone away? […] Zhang Xiaotong* , Li Xiaoyue* community of common destiny , community of common interest , evolving attitudes toward regionalism , expanded FTAs , regionalism with Chinese characteristics , TPP
May 23,2014 National Commentaries America Reengages Asia In late April 2014, President Barack Obama paid his fifth official visit to Asia—a tour of four nations intended to reassure nervous allies of America’s commitment to them, to send signals to China that the United States was standing fast in its regional presence and commitments, and to provide tangible proof of Washington’s “pivot” (or […] David Shambaugh China containment tour , effusive receptions , people-to-people ties , realigned force posture , strengthening alliances , TPP
Mar 25,2014 National Commentaries President Obama and Japan-South Korean Relations This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Sheila A. Smith Kono Statement , Malaysia , Nuclear Security Summit , Philippines , TPP , Visiting Forces Agreement , wartime compensation
Mar 21,2014 Topics of the Month TPP – 3 In the two months since my original article for The Asan Forum, TPP appears to have stalled. News reports of the most recent negotiating round, as well as US-Japan bilateral negotiations over agricultural products, suggest that there has been little if any progress since the December negotiations in Singapore. While this is a disappointment for […] William W. Grimes Automobile tariffs , Economic integrations , market-distorting institutions , TPP , Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)
Feb 21,2014 Topics of the Month TPP – 2 My article in The Asan Forum on TPP has received a number of comments, including T.J. Pempel’s rejoinder and a vigorous debate on the Japan Forum LISTSERV sponsored by the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR). There have also been developments in TPP negotiations and the US Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) debate that are relevant […] William W. Grimes Capital controls , intellectual property rights , rules of origin , Shinzo Abe , structural reform , the Diet , TPP , US Congress
Nov 08,2013 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (November 2013) Japan and the ROK-US-Japan triangle preoccupied the Korean media through the early autumn. Criticism of the Abe administration only intensified, but it came amid growing concern about whether further deterioration in ROK-Japan relations was advisable and, even more, how to respond to increasing military ties between Japan and the United States. There was no sign […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) collective defense , forced labor , missile defense , sex slaves , TPP , Trustpolitik , US triangularity , Yasukuni Shrine
Jul 19,2013 National Commentaries Chinese Perspective "New Model of Great Power Relations" How is a “New Model of Great Power Relations” Possible? The two decades following the end of the Cold War witnessed continuous peace, stability, social progress, and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole, despite occasional disturbances across the Taiwan Strait and on the Korean Peninsula. Numerous […] Wang Jisi* East Asia Security Architecture , East Asian Community , New Model of Great Power Relations , TPP , Xi-Obama Summit
Jul 19,2013 Special Forum Is an Economic Cold War Emerging in Asia? For the past 35 years, as China’s economic development accelerated in the post-Mao period, US policy towards the Asia-Pacific was aimed at fostering an environment that would gradually integrate China into the international order. Such a policy was intended to give Beijing incentives to play by a common set of rules, allow the United States […] Scott W. Harold Beijing Consensus , FTAs , Investment , New Cold War , TPP , Trade , Washington Consensus