Mar 02,2021 Special Forum Introduction Compared to the abundant analyses of strategic thinking of the United States and of US allies toward China, coverage of Chinese thinking is scant, particularly toward US allies. Leaders are scrutinized for their policy choices toward China much more than China is scrutinized for how it drives those choices and sets forth its own policy […] Editorial Staff free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , US Alliance , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping
Mar 02,2021 Special Forum Uninterrupted Rise: China’s Global Strategy According to Xi Jinping Thought To many in the Chinese leadership the global financial crisis revealed that advanced Western capitalist democracies are “paper-tigers.” This assessment led to growing voices questioning if Deng Xiaoping’s “hide and bide” dictum for foreign policy was still appropriate. Prior to Xi Jinping coming to power in late 2012 the Chinese leadership had no consensus on […] Steve Tsang , Olivia Cheung Comprehensive national strength , Joe Biden , United Front , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping , Xi Jinping Thought
Mar 02,2021 Special Forum What’s Past Is Prologue: China After Xi What comes after Xi Jinping? The question itself seems premature to ask, given the near-certainty that Xi will assume a norm-breaking 3rd five-year term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the 20th Party Congress, to be held late next year. Indeed, from Beijing to Berlin to Washington DC, a consensus has […] Jude Blanchette Hu Jintao , Joe Biden , national rejuvenation , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping
Mar 02,2021 Open Forum Washington Insights, Vol. 9, No. 1 China This year is the kick-off for Xi’s reelection campaign in 2022 after the Party Congress and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP. Xi will be hypersensitive. Beijing is not starting the new Biden era with cautious engagement. Wolf warrior diplomacy is a feature of the system. China is more confident after […] Editorial Staff free and open Indo-Pacific , Joe Biden , Quad , TPP , US-China rivalry , Wolf Warrior Diplomacy , Xi Jinping
Oct 23,2020 National Commentaries Kazakhstan’s Ambiguous Position towards the Uyghur Cultural Genocide in China There is a cultural genocide ongoing in the Uyghur region of China. As I detail in a recently published book, large swaths of the Uyghur population has been incarcerated or put in mass internment camps, the local population outside these institutions are subjected to omni-present surveillance, and they have no choice but to acquiesce to […] Sean R. Roberts counterterrorism , Cultural Genocide , Kassym-Jomart Tokayev , Nursultan Nazarbayev , Uyghur , Xi Jinping , Xinjiang
Oct 23,2020 National Commentaries Mongolia’s Response to China’s New Educational Policy in Inner Mongolia As Chinese authorities began to introduce the new educational policy in Inner Mongolia, protests have been staged by ethnic Mongolian communities in Chinese northern provinces. The new educational policy, which has already been implemented in minority ethnic schools in autonomous regions of Xinjiang in 2017 and Tibet in 2018, requires three subjects—“language and literature,” “morality […] Mendee Jargalsaikhan "Belt and Road" Initiative , “Save the Mongolian Language” , Battulga Khaltmaa , China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor , Dalai Lama , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Xi Jinping
Oct 23,2020 National Commentaries Chinese Cultural Policies in Tibet: A Perspective from India Indians have at least two vantage points from which to view what is happening in Tibet. Large parts of Himalayan India border Tibet, and the perspective from these regions is often different from the capital in New Delhi. Lay and monastic populations of Himalayan India, Bhutan, and Tibet have been closely knit in networks of […] Swati Chawla communism , Dalai Lama , Narendra Modi , One Child Policy , Sinification , Tibet , Xi Jinping
Oct 08,2020 Special Forum Introduction In the early autumn of 2020, when Joe Biden was leading decisively in the polls, many in the Indo-Pacific region were reflecting on what his policy would be to China, Japan, India, and the region more broadly. Would he break sharply from Donald Trump’s approach? Would he revert to the Obama administration’s policies? Are there […] Gilbert Rozman Donald Trump , Joe Biden , Narendra Modi , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping , Yoshihide Suga
Oct 08,2020 Special Forum Contemplating US Policy on China and the Indo-Pacific: Some Thoughts regarding a Possible Biden Administration By most accounts, the last four years have been something of a sea change in US foreign policy. During this time, the US has stepped back from its familiar leadership role in several multilateral initiatives, cast aspersions at global governance efforts, flirted with dictators and authoritarian regimes more openly and brazenly than ever in the […] Amanda Trea Phua , Liow Joseph Chinyong* COVID-19 , Donald Trump , free and open Indo-Pacific , Hong Kong , Joe Biden , Taiwan , US-China rivalry , Xi Jinping , Xinjiang
May 19,2020 Open Forum The Launch of an Ideological Cold War in 2020: The US Perspective Today’s US response to China that suggests a cold war mentality: first, blaming problems in the Sino-US relationship, China more generally, and the pandemic’s origin and response on the inherent nature of China’s communist system; second, referencing a different history or civilizational foundation, connected to such forces as the May Fourth Movement and Taiwan’s Chinese […] Gilbert Rozman Cold War , COVID-19 , Donald Trump , Joe Biden , Public diplomacy , Xi Jinping