Feb 05,2015 Special Forum The Foreign Policy of Abe Shinzo: Strategic Vision and Policy Implementation On January 5, 2015, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo reaffirmed that his government will continue to pursue a “proactive contribution to international peace” in his first press conference of the new year. When asked about the statement he is anticipated to issue at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in relation to […] James Przystup , Tatsumi Yuki* ASEAN , collective self-defense , Futenma base , India , Japan-US alliance , ODA , Territorial Disputes
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum US-Japan Relations under Abe Shinzo When Abe Shinzo became prime minister for a second time, the reaction in Washington was decidedly mixed. In both the Obama administration and the policy/intellectual community of Japan-watchers, two sets of expectations and two sets of concerns quickly emerged. The first expectation was that Abe would focus on reviving the Japanese economy, as he had […] Glen S. Fukushima Abenomics , Futenma base , Japan-US alliance , rebalance , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine