Dec 03,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (December 2015) The September 28 Yomiuri Shimbun argued that anti-Americanism is the crux of the opposition to the new law on collective self-defense. Reviewing a book by Miura Ruri (juxtaposing it to Hosoya Yuichi’s writing on internationalism), it credits Abe with the achievement of overcoming grassroots anti-American thinking both in leftist pacifism and in rightist anti-globalism. Deep-rooted […] Editorial Staff Internationalism , Japan-US alliance , National security , ROK-Sino Relations
Oct 12,2015 National Commentaries The South Korean Perspective "The Challenge for Park’s Summit with Obama after Abe’s Summit." As President Park Geun-hye prepares for her meeting with President Barack Obama on October 16, her visit will bring to a close a year of intensive summitry between the US president and his key counterparts in Asia.1 On April 26-May 3, Prime Minister Abe […] Lee Chung Min* China's military parade , Japan-US alliance , Japanese SDF , National security , North Korea , Sino-ROK Relations
Oct 12,2015 National Commentaries The US Perspective "The Challenge for Park’s Summit with Obama after Abe’s Summit." Positive US responses to Abe’s defense and history initiatives leave South Korea’s Japan policy in limbo. The Abe statement in early August and the legislation that the Diet passed in late September (after the Abe cabinet’s approval in early July) have given new impetus […] Larry A. Niksch Balancing China , Japan-US alliance , Japanese SDF , National security
Aug 13,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (August 2015) Japan-Russia Relations Relations with Russia appeared to be back on track in the first part of the summer. Plans for Putin to visit Japan were going forward despite unconcealed disapproval by the Obama administration. Japanese writers held out hope for trouble in Sino-Russian relations in the face of many signs to the contrary. Abe’s determination […] Editorial Staff Japan-ROK tensions , Japan-US alliance , National security , Putin-Abe summit , South China Sea
Jun 30,2015 Open Forum The US-Japan Alliance and East Asia: Five Guiding Principles Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s trip to the United States in late April and early May was touted as a success and a boost for US-Japan alliance relations. The personal dynamics between President Obama and Abe appeared much warmer compared with their previous meeting in 2014. Public sentiment between the United States and Japan is at […] Tanaka Hitoshi* AIIB , Japan-US alliance , SDF , TPP , US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Abe Unleashed? Hardly Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and his LDP chalked up a third consecutive election victory and extended their hold on the Diet for two more years with a convincing win in the snap Lower House election held in late December. While the victory consolidates the LDP’s grip on power and confirms that Abe is the […] Brad Glosserman Abenomics , collective self-defense , Japan-US alliance , nuclear policy , Shinzo Abe , Territorial Disputes
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum The Foreign Policy of Abe Shinzo: Strategic Vision and Policy Implementation On January 5, 2015, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo reaffirmed that his government will continue to pursue a “proactive contribution to international peace” in his first press conference of the new year. When asked about the statement he is anticipated to issue at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in relation to […] James Przystup , Tatsumi Yuki* ASEAN , collective self-defense , Futenma base , India , Japan-US alliance , ODA , Territorial Disputes
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum US-Japan Relations under Abe Shinzo When Abe Shinzo became prime minister for a second time, the reaction in Washington was decidedly mixed. In both the Obama administration and the policy/intellectual community of Japan-watchers, two sets of expectations and two sets of concerns quickly emerged. The first expectation was that Abe would focus on reviving the Japanese economy, as he had […] Glen S. Fukushima Abenomics , Futenma base , Japan-US alliance , rebalance , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Nov 06,2013 Open Forum ROK and US Views on the Foreign Policy of the Abe Administration This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Bong Youngshik* deference diplomacy , Dokdo/Takeshima , Japan-US alliance , mutual abandonment , Park Geun-hye , rebalancing’s impact , Shinzo Abe , Yasukuni