Jul 29,2017 Special Forum Japan in Asia’s Southern Tier One of the notable features of Japanese foreign policy since Prime Minister Abe Shinzo returned to power in December 2012 has been its robust engagement with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, Japan under Abe has been actively seeking to strengthen its relationship with the countries in Southeast Asia, Australia. and India. Japan’s […] Tatsumi Yuki* Abe Shinzo , ADB , AIIB , BRI , Donald Trump , Fukuda Doctrine , ODA , TPP , trilateralism
Feb 24,2017 Open Forum The Limitations of “Global Korea’s” Middle Power 2010 was a pivotal year for the Republic of Korea: as host of the G20 Leaders’ Summit—the first non-G7 and non-Western country to do so—the relatively small country earned international recognition as a significant force in the global arena. If the 1988 Seoul Olympics was South Korea’s debut on the international stage, then the Seoul […] Balbina Y. Hwang anti-globalization , BRICS , Cold War , G20 , G7 , impeachment , liberalism internationalism , middle power , Middle Power Diplomacy , MIKTA
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum The Foreign Policy of Abe Shinzo: Strategic Vision and Policy Implementation On January 5, 2015, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo reaffirmed that his government will continue to pursue a “proactive contribution to international peace” in his first press conference of the new year. When asked about the statement he is anticipated to issue at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in relation to […] James Przystup , Tatsumi Yuki* ASEAN , collective self-defense , Futenma base , India , Japan-US alliance , ODA , Territorial Disputes
Dec 09,2014 Open Forum The New Fulcrum of Asia: The Indo-Japan Entente and the Rise of China A new and potentially pivotal alignment of India and Japan is forming in response to China’s rise. This still informal security and military partnership implicitly premised on countering an ever-more-powerful China reflects deep common apprehensions about China’s rise and will probably take increasing substance in coming years. This entente marks a crucial failure of China’s […] John W. Garver 1962 War , Abe Shinzo , Arms sales , India , military exercises , ODA , Security alignment , war memories
Dec 06,2013 Open Forum The Indo-Japanese Strategic Partnership: Asia’s Response to China’s Rise For all the focus on China’s ascendancy, the developing strategic and economic entente between Japan and India may eventually prove to be as important in shaping Asia’s future. In many respects, India and Japan could not be more different: one has more poor people than any other nation on Earth; the other was the first […] Daniel Twining Act East Policy , Confluence of the two seas , freedom of the seas , India , ODA , Republic Day celebrations , trilateral groupings