Dec 20,2018 Special Forum Introduction The history of East Asian democratization has been cast in terms of negative Confucian heritage, postwar US encouragement to allies, and the positive spillover of economic “miracles.” Focused on national identities distinct from Confucian heritage and nuanced in coverage of the impact of the United States, the following four articles direct attention at forces, positive […] Gilbert Rozman Constitutionalism , democratization , imperialism , nationalism
Feb 24,2017 Open Forum The Limitations of “Global Korea’s” Middle Power 2010 was a pivotal year for the Republic of Korea: as host of the G20 Leaders’ Summit—the first non-G7 and non-Western country to do so—the relatively small country earned international recognition as a significant force in the global arena. If the 1988 Seoul Olympics was South Korea’s debut on the international stage, then the Seoul […] Balbina Y. Hwang anti-globalization , BRICS , Cold War , G20 , G7 , impeachment , liberalism internationalism , middle power , Middle Power Diplomacy , MIKTA
Feb 22,2017 Country Reports Country Report: China (February 2017) In late 2016-early 2017, Chinese analysts examined state-level decision-making on the Korean Peninsula. In the first batch of articles written after the Hague tribunal’s decision, they explored China’s approach to ASEAN, interpreted Duterte’s new China policy, and assessed ASEAN maritime management. They also considered the origins and implications of Abe’s nationalism and the prospects for […] Danielle F. S. Cohen (assisted by Dong Jiaxin) ASEAN , ASEAN Maritime Forum , ASEAN Regional Forum , ASEAN+3 , community of common destiny , Duterte , East Asia Summit , energy , G7 , Greater Mekong Subregion
Feb 22,2017 Alternative Scenarios Negative Scenario II Two months following the passage by the ROK National Assembly of a motion of impeachment against Park Geun-hye, power remains in the hands of Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn, South Korean conservatives are split between the pro-Park New Liberty Korea Party and the newly-established anti-Park Bareun (Righteous) Party, and a series of investigations has expanded the […] Scott Snyder Abe Shinzo , anti-globalization , Ban Ki-moon , comfort women , Constitutional Court , Hwang Kyo-ahn , impeachment , missile tests , nationalism , Park Geun-hye
Feb 09,2017 Special Forum Competing in a Shared Order in Asia Arguably the leading challenge for US national security strategy in the coming decade is to recalibrate the US role for a more multipolar world order. The geopolitical as well as ideological foundations of the postwar order are under increasing strain.1 States with regional or global ambitions such as Russia, China, and Iran are challenging both […] Michael J. Mazarr A2/AD , AirSea Battle , anti-globalization , Asia pivot , Balance of power , East China Sea , hegemonic stability theory , Iran , military buildup , Multipolarity
Dec 16,2016 Special Forum Facing China: Policy Challenges for the Trump Administration in East Asia As Donald J. Trump comes to power as the 45th president of the United States, he and his national security and foreign policy team will face significant challenges in dealing with a now-formidable and recently more assertive China. To a great extent, the problems they will encounter in dealing with China would confront any early […] Jacques deLisle Agreed Framework , Asia pivot , Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , burden-sharing , Charm offensive , constitutional revisionism , cross-Strait relations , Denuclearization , East China Sea , FTAAP
Sep 10,2015 Alternative Scenarios Negative Scenario II: Problems Are Structural On September 3, Beijing’s sky was “parade blue.” It was a rare day when the US embassy index indicated that the air quality was “good.” Following the “APEC blue” last November, the Chinese government once again displayed its power to achieve what seems hardly possible. Yes, the parade was a display of power, indeed, with […] Takahara Akio* 70th Anniversary , National identity , nationalism
Aug 13,2015 Open Forum Myanmar’s Liberalization and North Korea: Transforming “Outposts of Tyranny”? Lessons and Cautions In Western popular parlance, North Korea and Myanmar have been inextricably linked through designate Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice’s memorable phrase, “outposts of tyranny.” The totalitarian/authoritarian nature of the two governments, at least through 2010, gave superficial credence to that juxtaposition.1 This association has been reinforced by historical events. These include: the attempted assassination of […] David Steinberg China , Cult of personality , Juche , Military , National identity , nationalism
Mar 02,2015 Topics of the Month The Negative Soft Power of the China Dream – II As Ming Wan writes in his commentary in The Asan Forum on the “China Dream,” Chinese leaders use New Year’s celebrations as an opportunity to sum up the achievements of the recent past and to chart new directions for the future. Here, I discuss such New Year’s activity to argue that soft power works in […] William A. Callahan Anti-Japaneseism , China Dream , nationalism , negative soft power
Dec 04,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective Nakanishi Hiroshi* Article 9 , Asianism , collective self-defense , historical revisionism , Japan , nationalism , normalization , proactive pacifism , US