Aug 19,2019 Open Forum Japan-US-India Defense Cooperation: Anticipating the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan Other triangles keep drawing greater attention, but the US-Japan-India triangle has become the foundation of what is envisioned as the 21st century security framework involving the United States in the Indo-Pacific. As seen from Japan, this security triangle is acquiring an increasing role in regional strategic thinking as a result of at least three developments: […] Nagao Satoru* "Belt and Road" Initiative , Asianism , free and open Indo-Pacific , Jammu and Kashmir , Ladakh , the Quad , Trans-Pacific Partnership , US-China trade war
Aug 13,2019 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (August 2019) All roads ran through Washington in the late spring and early summer of 2019, even as Abe strove for a more autonomous role through hosting the G20, improving relations with China, and aggressively targeting South Korea. Intense media coverage ranged from the Abe-Trump relationship and Trump’s pressure tactics, the Trump-Kim relationship and diplomatic showmanship, the […] Editorial Staff "Belt and Road" Initiative , Asianism , free and open Indo-Pacific , G20 , Huawei , Reiwa , Trump-Kim summit , US-China trade war
Dec 20,2018 Special Forum National Identity and Democracy: Lessons from the Case of Japan The relationship between national identity and democracy is a complicated one. National identity provides a foundation for democratic politics in at least two senses. First, the spread of national identity can prepare the ground for democracy in the sense that nationalism breaks the elite’s monopoly on politics and transforms the masses into participants in the […] Tadashi Anno Asianism , Imperial restoration , Meiji Constitution , peace diplomacy , Taisho democracy
Apr 24,2017 Special Forum Introduction The unpopularity of the United States is rising around the world, not excluding Northeast Asia. Donald Trump is seen as a loose cannon, arousing distrust in allies and anxiety among potential adversaries that are uncertain of his intentions. Yet, his impact is not a total departure from earlier skepticism and even animosity against the US […] Editorial Staff alliance system , Anti-Americanism , Asianism , authoritarianism , Cold War , democratization , Donald Trump , Internationalism , missile defense , nuclear proliferation
Apr 29,2016 Special Forum Synopsis of the German Marshall Fund’s Japan Trilateral Forum, March 1-2, 2016 Why is it important to forge a global triangular framework under the auspices of Washington, Tokyo, and Brussels? Triangularity was assumed to exist during the Cold War, but Japanese horizons remained seriously limited and Europeans relied heavily on US power in East Asia. A triangle of this sort was posited as the emerging structure in […] Editorial Staff AIIB , Asianism , Populism , Post-modern Syndrome , Refugee crisis
Dec 04,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective Nakanishi Hiroshi* Article 9 , Asianism , collective self-defense , historical revisionism , Japan , nationalism , normalization , proactive pacifism , US
Oct 17,2014 Special Forum Japan’s Approach to Southeast Asia in the Context of Sino-Japanese Relations At times, since 2000, interest has piqued in Sino-Japanese competition—over Russia (rival proposals for an oil pipeline in the early 2000s), South Korea (maneuvering within ASEAN+3 and in the Six-Party Talks), and India (recently, as Abe Shinzo and Xi Jinping both are seeking upgraded ties to Narendra Modi)—, but the most intense, sustained rivalry has […] Gilbert Rozman Asian values , Asianism , Australia , East Asian Community , Fukuda Doctrine , India , Rebalancing , Regionalism , Revisionism , South China Sea
Apr 30,2014 Topics of the Month Update on Japan-Russia Relations From July to December 2013, Topics of the Month carried a series of statements by Togo Kazuhiko and rejoinders on Japan-Russia relations. In the month of April 2014 we are revisiting the previous Topics of the Month themes to update coverage. This is advisable because of new developments related to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and […] Editorial Staff Asianism , energy , Igor Sechin , Ukraine