Feb 09,2017 Special Forum Competing in a Shared Order in Asia Arguably the leading challenge for US national security strategy in the coming decade is to recalibrate the US role for a more multipolar world order. The geopolitical as well as ideological foundations of the postwar order are under increasing strain.1 States with regional or global ambitions such as Russia, China, and Iran are challenging both […] Michael J. Mazarr A2/AD , AirSea Battle , anti-globalization , Asia pivot , Balance of power , East China Sea , hegemonic stability theory , Iran , military buildup , Multipolarity
Nov 01,2016 Special Forum South Korean Domestic Support for the US Alliance Both in Seoul and in Washington, the nature of the ROK-US alliance has become a hot topic. Not only the issues of THAAD and the South China Sea, but, more generally, deteriorating relations between the United States and China have made people in both countries concerned about the impact on ROK-US ties. Before this kind […] Woo Jung-Yeop* 1994 Agreed Framework , 2008 beef import protests , anti-American sentiment , axis of evil , Jeju naval base , Korean unification , KORUS FTA , Middle Power Diplomacy , nuclear proliferation , public opinion
Oct 15,2014 Open Forum Synopsis of the Asan Institute-Pacific Forum CSIS Conference on US-Japan-ROK Trilateral Relations This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 J. Berkshire Miller contingency planning , cornerstone and linchpin , energy security , Japanese Abductees , Park-Xi Summit , public opinion , threat perceptions
Sep 29,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective "Reassessing the Park-Xi Summit" For understandable reasons, the Japanese paid rapt attention to the July 2014 Seoul summit between China and South Korea. Perhaps, the most compelling reason was to see what stance the two would take on issues concerning Japan, especially the territorial and historical consciousness questions. At the prior June 2013 Beijing […] Kimura Kan* China , collective self-defense , Japan , joint ceremony of remembrance , missile defense , National identity , National security , public opinion , South Korea , Southeast Asia
Sep 12,2014 Topics of the Month Japanese Politics Concerning Collective Self-Defense – 2 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Hosoya Yuichi* collective self-defense , internationalists , isolationists , pacifism , public opinion , TPP , US-Japan alliance
Aug 11,2014 Topics of the Month Japanese Politics Concerning Collective Self-Defense This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Hosoya Yuichi* Abe Shinzo , collective self-defense , constitutional reinterpretation , New Komeito , public opinion
Jun 13,2014 Open Forum China’s Charm Offensive to Korea: A New Approach to Extend the Strategic Buffer It is understood that peace and stability have been China’s major security interest on the Korean Peninsula for many centuries. Given its strategic location and its geographical proximity, the peninsula has been recognized by Chinese leaders as the core strategic area for protecting China’s vital security interests and maintaining regional stability. Traditionally China has identified […] Han Sukhee* Ahn Jung-geun , Charm offensive , competition for influence , hedging , Jan Song-Thaek , Kim Jong-un , periphery diplomacy , public opinion
Mar 25,2014 National Commentaries Circling the Square: History and Alliance Management This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: http://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9781137541703 Lee Chung Min* 50th Anniversary of Normalization , Abe Shinzo , historical revisionism , Park Geun-hye , public opinion , trilateral summit
Mar 21,2014 Special Forum Domestic Factors in China’s International Relations Discourse: Chinese Debates on the Role of Public Opinion Two contrasting perspectives have been featured in recent years about the role of domestic public opinion in China’s foreign policy making. On the one hand, the bottom-up viewpoint is that popular nationalism is a driving force in policymaking, influencing decisions on Japan and the United States, among other matters. Commercialized media appeal to it, official […] Maria Repnikova Censorship , public opinion , quality , voluntary 50-centers
Jan 27,2014 Review Article Chinese Books on Japanese and Korean Images of China Wu Guangwei, Riben de Zhongguo xingxiang [How Japan Views China] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 2010) Dong Xiangrong, Wang Xiaoleng, Li Yongchun, Hanguoren xinmuzhong de Zhongguo xingxiang [How the Koreans View China] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 2011) Liang Yunxiang, Riben waijiao yu Zhongri guanxi [Foreign Policy and Sino-Japanese Relations] (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2012) Liu Jiangyong, et. al, […] Gilbert Rozman image control , media bias , public opinion , right wing ideology , soft power , views of China