Apr 24,2017 Special Forum Introduction The unpopularity of the United States is rising around the world, not excluding Northeast Asia. Donald Trump is seen as a loose cannon, arousing distrust in allies and anxiety among potential adversaries that are uncertain of his intentions. Yet, his impact is not a total departure from earlier skepticism and even animosity against the US […] Editorial Staff alliance system , Anti-Americanism , Asianism , authoritarianism , Cold War , democratization , Donald Trump , Internationalism , missile defense , nuclear proliferation
Feb 02,2017 National Commentaries A US Perspective At the end of the first month of his presidency, how should we anticipate Trump’s post “pivot to Asia” policy toward East Asia? What matters: his personnel picks, his tweets and statements, meetings and calls with foreign leaders, or the intersection of US actions and those of countries in East Asia? Many US analysts are […] Gilbert Rozman Abe Shinzo , ASEAN , Australia , Denuclearization , East China Sea , freedom of navigation operations , GSOMIA , India , Kim Jong-nam , military buildup
Sep 29,2014 National Commentaries A South Korean Perspective "Reassessing the Park-Xi Summit" In recent months, pundits in Washington and Tokyo talk or insinuate quite a bit about the so-called “Seoul-in-the-China-orbit” thesis. From this author’s perspective, however, much of it has been blown out of proportion. Granted that, during the last year or so, it was common to hear that South Korea-China relations […] Chung Jae Ho* EEZ , missile defense , national interests. strategic suspicion , overblown expectations , TPP , track 1.5 meeting
Sep 29,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective "Reassessing the Park-Xi Summit" For understandable reasons, the Japanese paid rapt attention to the July 2014 Seoul summit between China and South Korea. Perhaps, the most compelling reason was to see what stance the two would take on issues concerning Japan, especially the territorial and historical consciousness questions. At the prior June 2013 Beijing […] Kimura Kan* China , collective self-defense , Japan , joint ceremony of remembrance , missile defense , National identity , National security , public opinion , South Korea , Southeast Asia
Dec 20,2013 Open Forum A New Type of Relationship between Major Countries and South Korea: Historical and Strategic Implications After the Sino-US summit at Sunnylands on June 7-8, 2013, the Chinese idea of a “new type of great power relations” (xinxingdaguoguanxi, 新型大国关系) has, more than ever, attracted attention. During the summit Xi Jinping and Barack Obama emphasized cooperation for international peace and stability and jointly solving global problems. The shirt-sleeve diplomacy between them had […] Kim Hankwon* ADIZ , Balance of power , collective security system , Document No. 9 , landmark Sino-US summits , missile defense , New type of great power relations , pivot to Asia
Nov 08,2013 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (November 2013) Japan and the ROK-US-Japan triangle preoccupied the Korean media through the early autumn. Criticism of the Abe administration only intensified, but it came amid growing concern about whether further deterioration in ROK-Japan relations was advisable and, even more, how to respond to increasing military ties between Japan and the United States. There was no sign […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) collective defense , forced labor , missile defense , sex slaves , TPP , Trustpolitik , US triangularity , Yasukuni Shrine