Mar 02,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (February 2015) South Korea preoccupied Japanese media more than China, recognized as a threat, North Korea, posing an ever greater threat, and Russia, which was transfixing the media elsewhere. Conservatives were obsessed with the “comfort women” issue and linked progressive dishonor of Japan with South Korean disrespect and campaigns in the United States and elsewhere to sully […] Editorial Staff historical revisionism , Murayama Statement , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 27,2015 Review Article ‘Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan’ [‘The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years’] Wakamiya Yoshibumi, Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan, [The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years] (Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun shuppan, December 25, 2014) In the face of an unrelenting onslaught of criticism from Japanese conservatives, the progressive side, led by Asahi Shimbun, continues to make its case. Unlike the era of the Cold War, […] Gilbert Rozman collective self-defense , conservatism , hereditary leadership , Revisionism , Shinzo Abe , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Most Consequential Prime Minister since Yoshida Shigeru Introduction to Special Forum Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Most Consequential Prime Minister since Yoshida Shigeru The year 2015 promises to be a milestone in Japan’s transition from a defeated state remaining on the defensive over its history with a low strategic profile, to a proud and proactive force for the reorganization of Asia within the […] Editorial Staff Abenomics , comfort women , commemorations , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum US-Japan Relations under Abe Shinzo When Abe Shinzo became prime minister for a second time, the reaction in Washington was decidedly mixed. In both the Obama administration and the policy/intellectual community of Japan-watchers, two sets of expectations and two sets of concerns quickly emerged. The first expectation was that Abe would focus on reviving the Japanese economy, as he had […] Glen S. Fukushima Abenomics , Futenma base , Japan-US alliance , rebalance , Shinzo Abe , TPP , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Realism vs. Revisionism in Abe’s Foreign Policy in 2014 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Gilbert Rozman comfort women , gaiatsu , history war , Revisionism , TPP , Xi-Abe summit , Yasukuni Shrine
Jan 12,2015 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (January 2015) Deepening confrontation between China-North Korea-Russia on one side and South Korea-the United States-Japan on the other was the center of discussion over the last two months. As the year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Korea-Japan relations and the 70th of Korea’s independence, how to overcome the stalled relationship gained weight. Park […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) Eurasia Initiative , human rights , Korean reunification , Revisionism , sanctions , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 07,2014 Open Forum Japan’s Defense Reforms and Korean Perceptions of Japan’s Collective Self-Defense This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: J. Berkshire Miller constitutional revision , Korean sovereignty , National Defense Program Guidelines , National Security Strategy , summit meeting , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 07,2014 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (February 2014) This has been one of the richest periods for Japanese media coverage in memory. In covering Biden’s early December travel through the region at a time of renewed concern about a threat from China, the establishment of Japan’s National Security Council with attendant clarification of security guidelines, delayed negotiations over TPP, the backlash from Abe’s […] Editorial Staff Abe Shinzo , collective defense , Jang Song-Thaek , propaganda war , the China Dream , Yachi Shotaro , Yasukuni Shrine
Jan 27,2014 Topics of the Month Japan-South Korea Relations – 1 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Park Cheol Hee* Abe Shinzo , comfort women , Dokdo /Takeshima , Park Geun-hye , Summit , Yasukuni Shrine
Jan 10,2014 Country Reports Country Report: South Korea (January 2014) Japan was on Korean minds in the final months of 2013, occasionally interrupted by new reasons to recall North Korea’s looming presence. The year ended with less reason for optimism in both relationships and lingering uncertainty about what that may mean for US and Chinese relations. The Korea-Japan Relationship Before Abe’s year-end visit to the […] Editorial Staff (prepared by Han Minjeong) Jang Song-Thaek , military influence , multilateralism , Park-Abe summit , political stability , Yasukuni Shrine