Jul 29,2017 Special Forum Japan in Asia’s Southern Tier One of the notable features of Japanese foreign policy since Prime Minister Abe Shinzo returned to power in December 2012 has been its robust engagement with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, Japan under Abe has been actively seeking to strengthen its relationship with the countries in Southeast Asia, Australia. and India. Japan’s […] Tatsumi Yuki* Abe Shinzo , ADB , AIIB , BRI , Donald Trump , Fukuda Doctrine , ODA , TPP , trilateralism
Oct 17,2014 Special Forum Japan’s Approach to Southeast Asia in the Context of Sino-Japanese Relations At times, since 2000, interest has piqued in Sino-Japanese competition—over Russia (rival proposals for an oil pipeline in the early 2000s), South Korea (maneuvering within ASEAN+3 and in the Six-Party Talks), and India (recently, as Abe Shinzo and Xi Jinping both are seeking upgraded ties to Narendra Modi)—, but the most intense, sustained rivalry has […] Gilbert Rozman Asian values , Asianism , Australia , East Asian Community , Fukuda Doctrine , India , Rebalancing , Regionalism , Revisionism , South China Sea